• Funderpants @lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    This is the kind of garbage we should expect from the CPC, not a surprise at all, but what does it even mean to “leave LGBT issues to parents”? If a gay person exists is that too much? If a fictional gay person exists in a book is that too much? Can a married teacher acknowledge their spouse? Can a person take a piss without having someone inspect their genitals or call them out?

    Conservatives simply will not defend LGBT people and their rights, they will not defend women, they will not defend minorities or immigrants, and they certainly, absolutely, will not defend the working class.

    I know it’s not popular, but it’s times like right now that I get the most pissed off at the both side boosters crawling around calling the CPC and LPC both “neo-liberal” when there are clear and obvious policy and attitude differences between the two parties. Would the CPC have cancelled student loan interest and allowed decades to repay? No. Would the CPC have funded $10 a day childcare nation wide? No. Would the CPC tax carbon, promote EVs, invest in charging infrastructure? No. Would the CPC have invested the resources to lift 91 water boil advisories , and be working on the others? No. Would the CPC have enforced support for women’s healthcare? No. Would they be working with the NDP for a national pharmacare program? No. Legal cannabis? Hahahaha No.

    I could go on and on and on about the sunlike levels of daylight between the conservative neoliberal CPC and the liberal LPC parties but I feel like I’d be screaming into the void at this point.

    We keep up with these false equivalents, not give the LPC credit for their success, and we are just going to end up with the political equivalent of governance by blacked out F150 with skeleton middle finger stickers. Fuck

    • jerkface@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      I don’t think so. Though that’s what he might succeed in accomplishing, I don’t think Pipsqueak really cares what becomes of Canada. It’s incidental to his actual ambitions, not something he’s actually trying to do because he wants it to happen.

      • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Like the cons to the south, the goal is always just winning the next election. The pay-off is lower taxes for his rich friends and lower enforcement of regulations. They’re doing it by aligning with the whackadoo religiofascists because it worked so well in Texas.

        Even though that’s been the m-o for a decade, hillbillies just don’t get it.

        • jerkface@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          Corruption, regulatory capture, etc. Yeah. Okay, I see how it’s “the same”.

  • jadero@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    As a parent, I just have to say parents do a really shitty job of educating their kids. Me included. If I knew twice what I know now, I would have still been woefully underqualified to turn an infant into a healthy adult, prepared to take on the challenges of life without being a net drain on society. Thank goodness there was half decent schooling available.

    School is the only thing that prevents most kids from growing up to be the kinds of adults we hate dealing with. The less control that parents and politicians have over curriculum, the better.

  • festus@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Worth pointing out that the reason schools talk about LGBTQ issues in the first place is that some of the students and their classmates are themselves LGBTQ - this isn’t just a distant political issue that can be ignored until students are adults. How is Poilievre imagining schools should respond if say a transgender child is getting bullied by their classmates? “Ask your parents if it’s okay to bully them”?

    I grew up in a Christian school / environment that completely ignored LGBTQ issues. Knowing I was different in some way and not having a word for it, and not knowing why my classmates weren’t reciprocating my crushes (why wouldn’t other guys want an exclusive super best-friend of the same gender…) was hugely damaging for me. Schools have a responsibility to help all kids thrive, and you can’t do that if you don’t educate kids about the very things affecting them and their classmates.

  • zephyreks@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Why is Canadian politics getting so polarized?

    It’s either “let’s throw money at every ESG issue known to man” or “let’s privatize healthcare and water and sell our forests to be developed into parking lots.”

    It’s either “fuck them LGBT kids” or “the medical system has no right to misgender a patient by asking for their sex.”

    What the fuck is going on?

  • Awkwardparticle@artemis.camp
    1 year ago

    Does the CPC have any intentions of making policy and doing something for Canadians? We have a housing crisis, crazy inflation, and climate change that should be areas of focus for any government, but they want to get off attacking trans people. He is not a leader, he is a snake oil salesman and 30% of the country is too brainwashed to act and think like human beings.

    • jerkface@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      He IS doing something about the terrifying future threatening Canadians: he’s doing fascism. His base doesn’t want nuanced policy that address root causes. They want a simple scapegoat that they can unburden their fear onto in the form of hatred. That is what PP is providing.