Some background Yesterday I failed making two types of cheese, and turned everything into sorta cream cheese We didn’t have bread, so my gf figured out how to make some
Also, we are foreigners in an Asian country, and only few people know where to get fresh milk
It looks like cheese, how did you fail? What type were you trying to make?
I was trying to make mozarella and feta
I usually make mozarella pretty often, but didn’t make for a while, and mymaimn problem with making cheese is that i’m a 200% person, so if I do something the ground is shaking 🤪
And it really doesn’t work with curds, I always add too much of everything and mix it really really well, when shouldn’t
The other one was feta, at least I started making it, realized I don’t have the cultures and started improvising, and just mixed both, boiled and hung
Anyway, the final cheese tastes like the best cheese I’ve ever made, I was really impressed
You failed very taysty!
Thank you, I was impressed too 💖