‘He was understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens’

  • sparseMatrix@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    There are a lot of people who would like you to think that disinformation is harmless; that if you buy into bullshit that it’s your own fault; and that the ‘people that matter’ know the truth.

    This man bought into the fire hose of shit that is continuously, endlessly spewing a mixture of exaggerations, half truths and outright lies. He took it all very seriously, and he paid with his life.

    Ask yourself, do you think this man was one of the ‘people who matter’ to his family? It sounds like some of them agree with, and listened to him and the fire hose.

    This is a fucking tragedy. This man is a casualty of the fight for democracy, and it is a damn fight when people are getting shot for it. Not because he bought into some bullshit; but because he was fed a line of shit by people he trusted. His political party.

    This has got to stop, and I think that it surely will.

    Let’s hope it doesn’t have to be at the expense of another man’s life.

    Another husband, father, grandfather, uncle or brother. Or worse, whole families.

    • @sparseMatrix
      Choosing whom to trust (& listen to) is a moral choice, much more so than a political or philosophical choice.

      Fam saying “he would never” are lying or naïve. He pointed a gun @ FBI agents. He would never?! Oh yes he fucking would, because he fucking did.

      Rule # 1: Never point a weapon @ anything you don’t intend to destroy.

      Repeated regularly by 2A folks.

      He chose amoral violence, tragically. A greater tragedy will be if his fam&friends consider him a martyr.

      • sparseMatrix@kbin.socialOP
        1 year ago


        I do not question any of that. My point is, the republican party has been stirring this pot a long time, and as long as the money keeps pouring, they cant be arsed, as the brits say.

        It’s got to be stopped at the source. We’re already at the point that guys are like this everywhere. One stands in the foyer of the Kroger just about every afternoon 3 blocks from my house.

        Wearing a ball cap with a thin blue line flag, armed to the teeth, in a flag-wrapped t-shirt, glaring at anyone who walks by with a smile their face.

        His body language, the sidearm he’s wearing, his clothes - it all screams that if you’re aren’t mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, you must be a fuckin’ democrat.

        That is a feature of the republican party. If it isn’t addressed soon, some sort of war will be the only way it gets addressed.

        • @sparseMatrix
          Bingo. That guy is a perfect example of the one big favor that #McTurtle & #IQ45 have done this nation. They made many of these amoral shits bold enough to stand up & be recognized.

          Now we know who many of them are. Never trust them. Oppose them @ every opportunity. Tax their churches & their billionaire leaders.

          There’s a great Jon Stewart quote that won’t fit here, because 500bytes, so it will be in my next reply…

          • @sparseMatrix
            “You’ve heard it said ‘The arc of the moral universe is long and bends toward justice.’ But it doesn’t bend towards justice by gravity, you have to bend it. And there’s a bunch of people trying to bend it back.”

            - - Jon Stewart

  • anon6789@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I can’t imagine being 75 and deciding that the best use of my final years is to try to assassinate a moderate president. Even if you do feel the country is going to hell, you’ve got a decade left tops.

    He let himself give into selfishness and anger instead of spending time with all that family, sitting on a patio chair with his dog and an icy Arnold Palmer waving to neighbors, and enjoying old man hobbies. What a frickin tragedy…

    I want to know about serious issues with this country, but screw extremist media big time. News isn’t entertainment. It needs to be real or this crap happens.

    • FaceDeer@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      To play devil’s advocate, I could imagine being 75 and deciding that “I’m going to be gone soon anyway, might as well use my final years to do something big.”

      The rest of your comment I completely agree with, though.

      • anon6789@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        I hear you, but Joe is kinda boring as a president. What has he done even remotely worth hurting him for? If we were hypothetically saying “oh I’m dying, I’m going to get Reagan and GB for what they guy away with in the Iran Contra,” maaaaybe, but the only guy I can think of that has it coming any less than Joe is Carter.

    • sparseMatrix@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago


      Me neither guy, and I find it tragic that somehow these fucks that cultivate these attitudes are even allowed in government when really they should be in the jail.

  • theodewere@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    these right wing morons have had their brains eroded so goddamned far by right wing radio and TV, they are hopeless… they are literally going to Hell, like their dead moron cousin…

  • GizmoLion@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    How the hell did this headline get past the editor??
    This sounds like the FBI shot the man’s family after he threatened Biden, saying he’s frustrated.
    It’s hard to put much stock in their interpretation of the facts when their attention to detail never graced the headline even for a minute…

  • Silverseren@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    What freedom and rights have been affected, exactly? Is this just “immigrants and LGBT people exist” nonsense, where it’s claimed that not doing negative things to such groups is somehow an attack on white straight men?

  • wryan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    After hearing stuff like this it always makes me reaffirm that Rush Limbaugh was one of the most dangerous, deplorable people to have the unfortunate opportunity to have a platform. Truly one of the most pernicious people to ever speak into a microphone. I don’t know if this is a bit of a non-sequitur, but I feel like this guy would’ve been a staunch listener.

  • HubertManne@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Remember when old men where cynical and did not believe everything they were told? Pepridge farm remembers!

  • wave_walnut@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    How can the desire to make the world justify lead to wanting to shoot people with a gun? I think there is something wrong with some system that connects between that thought and action.