What about Unicron, but pre-destruction? He’s basically planet sized.
What about Unicron, but pre-destruction? He’s basically planet sized.
Would I know everything I know now? Cause if not, then what’s the point? I might as well be a completely different person (because I would be).
If I do know everything I know now, then would I retain that intelligence if I was another creature? Like could I come back as a chimpanzee with my full current intellect? What about an octopus?
Could I come back as a 90 year old billionaire’s only heir, and be born with my complete current knowledge? Then I can just use the cash to help people?
Since this is fantasy anyway, could I come back as a Viltrumite? What about a Kryptonian?
Could I be Cthulhu?
Could I just be me, but reborn with my current information?
Honestly, I think they did the right thing. The TV show was great for what it was, but the last book was just so different than the rest of the series, I don’t think it really matters that they left it out.
End the show on a high note instead of possibly spoiling it.
Except that’s now how people work. You get increasingly less efficient the longer you work, so someone working 32 hours puts out more output than someone working 40 hours.
Companies that switched to 4 day work weeks saw sustained increases in productivity and satisfaction.
On the other side, companies that push for longer and longer hours tend to get people zombie-ing through the week and do less work. They just LOOK more productive cause they’re physically present at their job and respond to messages beyond the work week.
Fired and laid off are two completely different things. Quite a few folks have been laid off and find other jobs, but it’s always easier to find a new job while you have a job.
Don’t wait to get laid off to start looking, but don’t quit without something else lined up first either. It’s better to ride the job out to the end if you don’t have something else first.
I mean… Contrails are bad for the climate and should be avoided, and it wouldn’t cost that much more.
Tho we all know that they accidentally stumbled into maybe a good idea.
There’s always an excess of resources, just in case of spacecraft failure.
There are actually already extra crew up there from the recent Boeing failure.
SpaceX would definitely benefit from having to come get you, since they’re the only launch company with a good track record, and spare capacity. (Unless you’re Russian, which means you’d probably be shot and stuffed in the garbage section of Soyuz)
A good, well researched history textbook the night BEFORE the assassination. Just show Lincoln what would happen.
Hate to burst your bubble, but $1 worth of black hole would be so small, that it would likely evaporate before it did any damage to anything.
And if it really was $1 worth of time with the black hole, I doubt it would do any damage cause the gravity wouldn’t have time to do anything.
There are websites that buy this stuff, this is just one example, and there are others. You can get a bit of cash without a ton of effort, just pack it up nicely and send it in.
Well, if LTT is involved, then I probably want nothing to do with it.
It’s based off a very real Logitech statement.
Did they finally figure out they just need to give him some fake compliments and he’ll do whatever they want?
As someone who trains dogs professionally, you are 100% correct.
A hard disk uses spinning magnetic disks to store data.
An SSD uses flash memory to store data.
Since it doesn’t have moving parts, it can access the data faster and with fewer parts.
At current prices an SSD is more expensive for the same size storage, but most people don’t need 10TB on their laptop.
Smurfing hell… I thought I was going to be the smartass in this thread.
If you have a beard and don’t trim anything, it looks bad anyway. You should be trimming the neck or other stray hairs to make it look clean.
Some people’s beards don’t grow in well everywhere, so it looks better than a scraggly mess at the cheeks.
It’s also just a style, so it doesn’t have to make sense.
I 3d printed a dongle that has a Logitech receiver in it. All their design files are online, so you can make your own pretty easily.
My county flipped blue. Democrats didn’t even have someone running for the house seat here, it was uncontested.
They probably wouldn’t have won, but they didn’t even try…
“Ryan, you should revive the Green Lantern! Hahaha jk… Unless…”.
-----James Gunn