• LongbottomLeaf@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    First thing I did was check the faces on the coins. We’re good 👍

    I really wish PKD’s screenplay was made.

    Dick’s screenplay features numerous scenes that are not in the novel. According to Tim Powers, a friend of Dick’s and fellow science fiction writer, in his foreword to Ubik: The Screenplay, Dick had an idea for the film that involved “the film itself appearing to undergo a series of reversions: to black-and-white, then to the awkward jerkiness of very early movies, then to a crookedly jammed frame which proceeds to blacken, bubble and melt away, leaving only the white glare of the projection bulb, which in turn deteriorates to leave the theater in darkness, and might almost leave the moviegoer wondering what sort of dilapidated, antique jalopy he’ll find his car-keys fitting when he goes outside”.