Do the advantages of deleting one’s entire Reddit history outweigh the disadvantages?

I have previously nuked my first Reddit account because it felt satisfactory to be completely detached from a platform one considers unethical/bad. Though, I have garnered quite some history on a second account—because Duty Calls*, of course—and I’m considering doing the same.

However, I don’t want to do it impulsively. I think I might be blind to some disadvantages. What do you think?


  • Joël de
    7 months ago

    Loosing vast amounts of historical posts or would I say “cultural heritage” is a shame but I couldn’t trust the party hosting it …

    So with Twitter I did the same, 13 years of tweets. Even took a one month payment on a bulk erase / unlike / unfollow / unretweet service to get it done in a reasonable amount of time.