I am fucking scared of the mass surveilence nightmare direction that the internet and the world as a whole is going towards… C2PA, france hacking itself into citizen phones, the UK anti encryption law, EU’s chat control, etc. Im also sick of and hate the “you will own nothing and be happy” mentality that corpos try to push. I dont wanna know how the world will look like in 5-10 years.

  • Lengsel@latte.isnot.coffee
    1 year ago

    There are ways around it if you are willing to put in the work and deal with incoveniences.

    For example, never use native Android or iOS, flash a custom ROM, never install proprietary apps, just that cuts a lot out. Only use cash for all stores and services, never carry payment cards with you, that wipes out financial tracking. Never give real info to stores. Use email aliases so different people have a different address. Don’t use Windows on computer if the prgrams you use are not exclusive to Windows.

    Those can be the beginner steps to how to be almost invisible in society. One thing I’ve done is try to push people onto SimpleX chat app for messaging so I can have a different random ID with each person I message so there’s no contact info to share. Even people I know in person, we hang out together, I try to get them on SimpleX in place of Signal.