Same rhetoric, policies, party, etc.

Would he even make it pass “grab em by the p****” in 2016?

  • Snot
    13 days ago

    He see’s it as just the world we live in, because women approach him and treat THEMSELVES as sex objects. Those are the women that approach him, so that’s the experience he has with women. Women who only want him for his money.

    …and what world are you living in that these women are approaching him at all? He had to get a financial arrangement to buy a marriage with Melania, a person who won’t fucking touch him, and slaps away his hand when he tries to touch her. He had to pay a shitload of money to have a chance with Stormy Daniels, same with Karen McDougal, and he paid even more money to try to cover up that he did.

    Trump is a rapist and the way he treats women is the way of a rapist. You’re fucking deluding yourself if you think lots of attractive women have approached Donald Trump. Nearly every woman he has ever touched he has paid for the pleasure of doing so. Even when he has “grabbed women by the pussy” he pays through lawsuits. He just thinks that’s the cost of being a gross rapist.

    Literally the only woman I can think of off the top of my head who we have proof who has moved on Trump is Laura fucking Loomer who isn’t exactly a beautiful woman, my dude.

    I can’t believe a bogus post arguing that Trump is more of a ladies man than a rapist has so many upvotes.

      13 days ago

      My post never said anything close to him being a ladies man. My post is that trump views women as transactional property, and that sex is something he gets for free because he’s rich.

      How did you read my post and think I was describing a ladies man??? His views are gross and a result of his experiences.

      But your perspective just confuses me how you got 2 + 2 = potato.

          12 days ago

          It’s not victim blaming because he’s not referring to the same women you are. Like it or not, there are plenty of women (no one is saying it’s all or most women, by the way) who will pursue rich men with the desire for a purely transactional “I’ll fuck you so I can have your wealthy lifestyle and/or a part of your fame.” They’re perfectly content with that arrangement, as are said men.

          Johnny Depp’s girlfriends for decades have basically all been women in this category, even now that he’s way past his prime aesthetically. The women accusing Trump of sexual impropriety are, obviously, NOT in this category.

          Women are not a hivemind–different types of them can exist in the same society, you know.