God I wanna make so much art (drawing/painting/wood carving/crochet/build things/etc), make comics, learn languages, learn how to deep clean and power wash, garden, make clothes, make fursuits, travel, hike, forage, make youtube videos, go urban exploring, go ghost hunting, animate, preserve animal skeletons and insects, etc etc.

But I’m so perpetually exhausted that even just planning out an idea takes a lot out of me, and it feels so unfair.

Thankfully medication has helped out a looot (I mean the difference between taking genuinely months to do anything vs being able to do so within a week or even a day if lucky is quite an improvement) but it’s not gonna make me superhuman any time soon ^^;

  • orca@orcas.enjoying.yachts
    1 year ago

    I have a pretty varied skillset. I’ve been drawing since I was a kid, I’m a programmer, and a designer. But once the work part of the day is over, I couldn’t carry out a single creative thing if you paid me. It’s crazy how debilitating ADHD can be and it’s been that way since I was a kid (I was officially diagnosed in the early 90s).

    I find that meds can help but sometimes the side effects suck. If you can get your hands on a prescription, it helps a ton. It doesn’t have to be a stimulant either. There’s a lot of non-stimulant ones that do wonders. Just make sure you take it consistently. The one I was prescribed gives me hyper focus.