• Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Don’t take this too personally, but you’re an asshole.

    You don’t have to be that way, but as of right now that’s the path you’ve chosen.

    Why? Well, if you’re truly an asshole, you don’t care why, but if you aren’t…

    People are suffering around the world, and I’m not unrealistic, I know we can’t fix everything, we’re just regular people. But you’re not just apathetic, you’re going out of your way to complain about them wanting dignity and respect. How dare those people ask for respect! They should be out sowing chaos and bringing MORE misery to others. Of course, you don’t do these things, you never had to, but the unfortunate ones must prove to you that they deserve to exist, by doing things that you WISH you had the balls to do. Evil doesn’t destroy evil. Be better, nobody respects your macho edgelord bullshit. You sound like a child. Stick with playing Minecraft, and let the adults work on the real world.

    • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.world
      1 hour ago

      Im definitely an asshole but i am a reasonable one. I didnt chose to be this way it chose me when you decided my opinions made me an asshole. Yeah people around thw world are suffering of real significant issues. Tuberculosis killed 4000 people yesterday to put that into perspective the entirety of israel Palestine total deaths since October 7th is slightly more than 2 weeks worth or tuberculosis deaths. Tuberculosis is a curable disease i donate money to help cure it for people around the globe. Its called perspective people are fucking dying of a curable disease and u wanna complain about identity politics bullshit.