There’s a guy at the gym I go to that’s been making me feel a bit uncomfortable to the point that I don’t like going if he’s there. For example, I was going to go today, but I feel a little crappy so I don’t even want to deal with it.

At first, I thought he was friendly. I was working out near him, and left my things to get water. When I came back, he said he thought that I had left without my things, but to me, it looked like he was trying to see what was on my phone. He always initiates the greeting between us, but he greets me like he thinks I’m a child. I also get the feeling that he is looking at me a lot so I try to face away from him most of the time. I might be sounding insane, but it’s like he memorized my routine, and sets up near the spot I’m going to be at next before I get there. This is just a hunch though. I might be too sensitive with this stuff. Also, I’ve seen him bring friends to the gym. They’re usually younger and smaller men, and it looks as though he is almost parading them around like he wanted everyone to see them together. Crap. Writing this out is giving me the creeps 😬

Since he hasn’t really done anything outright, I can’t really say anything right? Like, “Hey bro. Are you looking at me?” lol. Would it be weird to talk to the gym staff and have them look to see if I’m crazy or not? But then they’re going to think I’m crazy and starting problems if I’m wrong. Maybe ask a friend to secretly watch me workout to see if I’m making this up?

    5 months ago

    If someone is making you feel uncomfortable you need to set some boundaries. The best thing to do would be to go ahead and confront him, as hard as that might be, and explain to him that he’s making you feel uncomfortable and you would like for him to mind his own business. In a polite way. If he persists, then report him to the staff.