• scarabic@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “why are they suddenly only doing something about him now?”.

    Because for a time he was our guy in the region.

    And then he wasn’t - when he stomped Kuwait. Are these people forgetting Desert Storm in 1991?

    But mainly: let’s say that switching to the Euro was a great idea and more countries were likely to do it. How does going to war with Iraq stop anyone else from doing it? Are we really supposed to believe it was a threatening show of force to cow the entire world into throwing away profits and using our currency? This doesn’t make sense.

    Like many many arguments, the author can’t be content with “here’s another factor in the mix of what happened” and just haaaas to say “everything else is lies - here’s the one and only explanation.”

    • Rowan Thorpe@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Are we really supposed to believe it was a threatening show of force to cow the entire world into throwing away profits and using our currency?

      I don’t think it was as much about “making an example of them” as it was about getting them back to accepting USD (and “recycling” those back into the US economy) ASAP. Installed Iraq administrations switched straight back to USD since the invasion.