She ate something she shouldn’t have and it’s blocking her intestines. She has to have emergency surgery tomorrow morning and this is all my fault. If my house wasn’t such a disaster, she wouldn’t be in this mess.

I honestly don’t deserve my pets because of this. I can hardly take care of myself. Idk why I thought pets were a good idea.

    2 months ago

    OP I believe everything will work out for your furry friend :)

    I have adhd myself so I totally get it. What works for me, and your mileage may vary, is I live my life based on alarms and calander. Alarms aren’t turned off until I’m about to begin my task. As for the calander I have blue/purple for when the event task needs to be done for personal life and school respectively and then have those same events in yellow if I have time to get to it today and orange is I have to do it today. I use it mostly for school events but it makes me feel less overwhelmed and able to break up tasks.

    Like I said this is what works for me. Another thing I do if it’s immediate is set a timer for 30 seconds, that’s enough to get me up and moving because it’s something external saying “hey get up” as opposed to me telling myself that which doesn’t hold much power

    Once again I’m sure your buddy will be fine!

    Edit: typo