She ate something she shouldn’t have and it’s blocking her intestines. She has to have emergency surgery tomorrow morning and this is all my fault. If my house wasn’t such a disaster, she wouldn’t be in this mess.

I honestly don’t deserve my pets because of this. I can hardly take care of myself. Idk why I thought pets were a good idea.

    2 months ago

    Yeah the only failure here would be if you medically neglect your dog.

    It sounds like you’re taking your dog to the vet. So you’re doing what is best for the dog. Forgive yourself, the only thing any of us can do is what we can at the time. That’s literally all you can do.

    Now, if you stop taking the dog to the vet, that’s not good. If you’re feeling like you’re not going to be taking the dog to the vet in the future that’s something you should investigate.