She ate something she shouldn’t have and it’s blocking her intestines. She has to have emergency surgery tomorrow morning and this is all my fault. If my house wasn’t such a disaster, she wouldn’t be in this mess.

I honestly don’t deserve my pets because of this. I can hardly take care of myself. Idk why I thought pets were a good idea.

    2 months ago

    I honestly don’t deserve…

    You don’t deserve to be this hard on yourself… Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re wrong. This is the wake up call to make a good decision. I don’t know you, but it seems from this post, that whatever you choose to do, it will be the right choice.

    Keep the pet and make your home an even better place for it, or realize that it’s not a right fit. With how you seem to feel, It seems that there is no third option in your mind to keep everything the same.

    This stranger has faith in you.