Years ago I worked at an electronics store and have seen some very interesting products over the years with some being very useful.

Not sure how to do a poll on here but wanted to see how people matched on the ownership of some of these useful devices .

Have you ever owned a My (answers)

-PDA? Yes, I had a Palm IIIe

-DVD-Recorder? Yes. Successor to VCR sure didn’t last long… 😖

-WebTV? No. Interactive TV in the days of dial-up. 🙂

-3D Television? No

-Raspberry PI? No but I want to.

-Internet Radio Player? No This would be fun especially if it also had am/FM tuner

    1 year ago

    PDA: I had a Palm Pilot I rescued from a scrap bin at work and installed an open source OS on. I used it as an ereader until the eye strain from reading on that small screen started giving me headaches.

    DVD recorder: No. I gave up on broadcast TV when I was 17 and the amount of advertising time hit 25 minutes per hour. I watched everything on rented DVDs until video streaming and adblockers became a thing.

    WebTV: No. It was never available in my country.

    3D TV: No. I was waiting for the format to get more support, then it went away entirely.

    Raspberry Pi: Yes! I could never get wifi working on it, which limited its usefulness. Still fun to play with until I somehow broke the HDMI out.

    Internet Radio: Kinda. That’s what I used the Pi for after breaking video.