• Swordgeek@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    It’s only a bombshell if there’s a bomb with shrapnel.

    Put another way, if Smith & co. don’t face meaningful consequences for this, then it doesn’t matter.

    We KNOW she’s corruot, we KNOW the UCP is flouting the law at every turn, we KNOW that the government runs on intolerab0nce, greed, and graft.

    So what do we do about it?

    • Dearche@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      It’s only a bombshell if it’s unexpected.

      And frankly speaking, I’d be more surprised to hear about a leader in Alberta that isn’t massively corrupt and destroying their province at every turn.

      Then again, I feel the same way over here in Ontario with our leaders. We’ve got an election going on, and only a single indie has a written platform on their web site so far. Not a single major party has a single specific thing to stand on, including the party that declared the snap election.