Not to be that guy, but 12% of 8G isn’t even close to ”heavy as fuck” for a CI/CD and collaboration suite that seems aimed at enterprise users.
You can also tweak how much memory you’d like the jvm to grab with ’-Xms100m’. Any defaults are most likely aimed at much larger deployments than yours.
From the looks of it, they also seem to bundle the vscode server and a bunch of other stuff. I’m actually kinda surprised they do it with only 1G of RAM.
Not to be that guy, but 12% of 8G isn’t even close to ”heavy as fuck” for a CI/CD and collaboration suite that seems aimed at enterprise users.
You can also tweak how much memory you’d like the jvm to grab with ’-Xms100m’. Any defaults are most likely aimed at much larger deployments than yours.
But yes, Java is a disease.
It’s not being used for CI/CD, so it’s a webui for git. It absolutely is heavy as fuck for just sitting there.
Just going off the marketing here:
From the looks of it, they also seem to bundle the vscode server and a bunch of other stuff. I’m actually kinda surprised they do it with only 1G of RAM.