I was watching pro golf coverage on the news and it seems so odd that men and women compete separately - same goes with pro bowling. Just seems weird to me that a game of skill is gendered when you can’t even raise an argument that someone might have an advantage because of what’s between their legs.

    • davehtaylor@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I hate the shame and stigmatization, as well as the toxicity of enforced gender roles, around children’s toys. Like yeah, let’s give a 5 year old lifelong trauma because people can’t let go of their toxic and hateful ideas around gender and sexuality.

      Also, dogs are red-green colorblind. They can’t even see pink.

    • worfamerryman@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      I’m pretty sure that pink was considered a boys color before world war 1 or something like that.

      Maybe it’s not true, but I think they changed it to blue and green because pink was too bright.

    • Natori@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Spent so much cognitive effort making sure my kids didn’t feel hamstrung by gender roles. Wound up with two kids who identify at least partly as non-binary, and have chosen their roles as much on their own as I think they can reasonably do.

      Of course both of them, hilariously, wound up choosing incredibly typical gender-aligned stuff. The “amab” NB kid loves machines, Lego, spaceships, engineering, explosions, and anything STEM. The “afab” NB kid loves puppies, pink stuff, flowers, dresses, helping with household chores, cooking, and scorpions. Typical girl stuff.

      Not ascribing any deeper meanings. I just think it’s cute and funny.