It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit.

I am also glad that I’m getting away from reddit’s general political shitposting, which was more left leaning. You couldn’t have any proper discourse on there, and even I with my generally more left leaning views recognized that.

    1 year ago

    You’re not their doctor, they arent your patients, what business is it of yours?

    ok, so if you’re not a doctor you can have no opinion on healthcare now? ridiculous statement. i think healthcare should be free. i don’t work in healthcare or health insurance. so am i just supposed to shut the fuck up and know my place?

    no, I have my opinion and I’m going to share it and @JasSmith has his opinion and he’s going to share it. that’s the whole point of having discussion boards. the last thing i want is this place to become an echo chamber

    i think kids should be able to transition. but it’s also not so simple a conversation when you’re making permanent changes to teenage kids -

    kids are fickle creatures and fads catch on - all of a sudden we see a dramatic rise in kids wanting to transition - like 4400% increase in girls wanting to transition to boys. is it because we are now more accepting as a society or is it social contagion? probably both and it’s a serious topic we need to address if we actually do want the best for the kids. we need to keep ideology out of healthcare and make sure each individual kid is taken care of with whatever is best for them - transitioning is not always the best option. but sometimes it is.

      1 year ago

      See the problem here is that you forgot that opinions are only allowed to include concerns or nuances that are on the approved list.

      Anything you might be concerned about that isn’t on the approved list puts you straight into wrongthink, double plus ungood.

      1 year ago

      The problem is that there’s a very big difference between wanting a blanket ban on transition preparation and wanting the actual people involved (the trans kid, the parents, and the doctors) to do a better job of evaluating the situation and working out the best path for each case.

      While your opinion may be more reasonable you should be careful to not assume they share your opinion. A lot of people don’t realize that the common choice for “transition” treatments for teens does not transition them, but rather delays/suppresses puberty in such a way that they can choose which way to go at a later time. Banning this treatment forces a choice and disallows a trans person’s ability to fully transition once of age.

      1 year ago

      It’s so funny to me this person don’t ever seem to have the same concerns about the nose jobs, boob jobs, lip enhancements, etc that are also being done on teens AND CHILDREN. I hear nothing from you about the performance enhancing drugs for teenage boys, or the altering of the bodies of gymnasts who also start in their early childhood. In the case of the latter, they get stunted growth because the intensive amount of training affects hormones and delays puberty. Gee what other thing that you argue about sounds similar to that?

      Maybe you didn’t know about those things before. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But now I fully expect that you go to all of gymnastics forums where they’re talking about young female gymnasts and male athletes,l and tell them that you don’t think they should do those sports anymore. You’re totally going to do that right? Right?

        1 year ago

        Sure, I can go harass people on gymnastics forums if that’s what you want. But in that case it’s only fair that I start harassing people on trans forums as well. I wasn’t doing either of those things before, but you said I have to so I guess it’s time to go bully some trans people.

        I have no problem with condemning the people who push children into intensive training for competition gymnastics. And no, I don’t believe them either when they argue that “the child wanted this.” The parents wanted a child who fits a certain mold and the child is just trying to make their parents happy, or atleast not angry depending on how externally abusive that parent is being.

        Also I absolutely support the idea of banning under 18s from getting nose jobs, boob jobs, lip fillers, taking PEDs, etc. Heck throw in piercings and tattoos as well for all I care. No procedure and no parental permission exceptions.

        1 year ago

        It’s so funny to me this person don’t ever seem to have the same concerns about the nose jobs, boob jobs, lip enhancements, etc that are also being done on teens AND CHILDREN. I hear nothing from you about the performance enhancing drugs for teenage boys, or the altering of the bodies of gymnasts who also start in their early childhood.

        I mean, you don’t know me, or you’d know that I also think those things are wrong. I also tell people that I think those things are wrong. Don’t you?

        1 year ago

        we aren’t seeing a 4000% increase in kids becoming gymnasts

        it’s a poignant social topic. instead of attacking my credibility, aiming to represent me as biased, you should try to attack my argument

        having said that, i support kids transitioning. i’m more upset about the “wrongthink” mentality where someone can’t even share their opinion without getting pounced on. he isn’t sharing hate speech he’s just talking

          1 year ago

          Indeed, I’ve been finding myself hesitant to chime in on this because I know I’m inevitably going get lumped in with transphobe Nazi facists because at some point I’m going to say “hey hang on, there’s some nuance here that you’re missing.”

            1 year ago

            was in the article i linked

            between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females.

            i guess it’s too much to expect people to read things

              1 year ago

              So “transition treatments” have gone up 4000% … in the time period following the treatment becoming available. If being a gymnast was illegal until 2009, or nobody had invented a trampoline until then, you can certainly bet making it legal or possible to do floor routines would result in a 4000%+ increase in people who were openly and publically gymnasts.

              Trans people, trans kids, have always existed - we just didn’t have the technology to provide the treatment in that article.

              That article is choosing to cite the numbers on the treatment rather than the condition because the treatment’s very recent launch means it allows the presentation of a scarier number.