Scientists tell us that being connected and active is one of the secrets to having meaningful and fulfilling life when older. What activities and connections are you planning on pursuing?

    1 year ago

    When I retired, 5 years ago, I planned to spend more time in online games and maybe find a nonprofit to work with. The online game (Eve) that I’d been playing for years turned tedious after just a few months, and I never found a really interesting NPO. I started walking to local restaurants for lunches, and that simple thing has given me a much greater sense of connection to the community than I got in 20 years of commuting through it. Youtube, Reddit, and now Lemmy, let me feel connected with my interests without having to comment - basically to get a sense of cool stuff that other people are doing, either for inspiration or reassurance. Woodworking, machining, home server/automation, and recently chili pepper farming. I’m reclusive, but I love this life, and I wouldn’t go back for anything. And who knows: I might still get inspired by some NPO.