Eradicate Law Enforcement Officers.
Replace with Public Safety Affiliates.
i mean… yeah what’s the point of officers being around when we have the 2nd Amendment
i’m being half facetious.
Cops killed my unarmed cousin swimming away in a pond by shooting him in the back. ACAB.
Further complicating the situation: The body camera footage released by HPD contains three gaps totaling about 11 minutes. HPD officials have refused to comment on the reasons for the omission, only pointing to agency policy that says “core footage” must be publicly released within 30 days of police opening fire on a civilian.
Wow, the fucking nerve to shoot an innocent person and not release the footage.
Why isn’t there a separate unit that specializes in wellness checks? One that includes social workers and EMTs?
Because the
mobpolice wouldn’t get as much taxpayer moneyThen we’d have to pay them more!
Those damn EMTs livin the good life on… ~35k/year -_-