• 182 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • The only time in my lifetime someone other than the top two candidates got even a single electoral college vote, it was by accident in 2004.

    So, yes, this single vote, cast in error, has a larger count than 50+ years of 3rd parties combined.


    "The following were the members of the Electoral College from the state. Nine were pledged for Kerry/Edwards, but one made a mistake and ended up voting for Ewards/Edwards[10] and thus became a faithless elector. Minnesota’s electors cast secret ballots, so unless one of the electors claims responsibility, it is unlikely that the identity of the faithless elector will ever be known. As a result of this incident, Minnesota Statutes were amended to provide for public balloting of the electors’ votes and invalidation of a vote cast for someone other than the candidate to whom the elector is pledged.[11]

    Sonja Berg

    Vi Grooms-Alban

    Matthew Little

    Michael Meuers

    Tim O’Brien

    Lil Ortendahl

    Everett Pettiford

    Jean Schiebel

    Frank Simon

    Chandler Harrison Stevens"

  • No third party has reached those thresholds in years.


    1. Democratic - 51.31%
    2. Republican - 46.85%
    3. Libertarian - 1.18%


    1. Republican - 46.09%
    2. Democratic - 48.18%
    3. Libertarian - 3.28%


    1. Democratic - 51.06%
    2. Republican - 47.20%
    3. Libertarian - 0.99%


    1. Democratic - 52.93%
    2. Republican - 45.65%
    3. Ralph Nader - 0.56%


    1. Republican - 50.73%
    2. Democratic - 48.27%
    3. Ralph Nader - 0.38%


    1. Republican - 47.86%
    2. Democratic - 48.38%
    3. Ralph Nader - 2.74%