Oh, man, the best joke from Toy Story was stolen from the Far Side…
Oh, man, the best joke from Toy Story was stolen from the Far Side…
Not in the UK, but I’m guessing, like real estate anywhere, high population + limited availability?
There are 9 million people living in London. 607 square miles, which means, on average, 14,827 people per square mile.
Compared to, say, San Francisco with 808,000 people in 47 square miles, 17,191 people per square mile.
Globally though, numbers like this aren’t even in the top 25:
My “city” is embarrassed. 635,000 people in 145 square miles. 4,379 people per square mile. We’re absolutely porous by comparison.
Anyone who blames themselves for something they have absolutely no say in or control over, to the degree they are willing to set themselves on fire over it, is mentally ill.
I mean… 78… The year he was born, life expectancy for men was 73.3 years.
Which is weird to me… if you don’t let him run, why keep him on the ballot?
As usual… Israel does everything in their power to isolate and extinguish Palestinians. They’ve been doing this for DECADES now.
It will continue until we collectively tell Israel to get fucked and break the blockade, but nobody has the balls to do it.
LOL - Perot, and his charts, changed nothing. He became a punchline in '96 with his “Ok, I dropped out, no, wait, I’m still in.”
His supporters went on to Ron Paul, who was equally ineffective.
The last time a 3rd party got any significant portion of the vote was Ross Perot in '92 and '96, it had 0 significance.
18.91% in '92, 8.4% in '96.
Before that, you have to go back to '68 where a racist 3rd party won 13.5% of the vote, and the South, also had no significance beyond that election.
If you don’t care if Trump wins, sure…
The only time in my lifetime someone other than the top two candidates got even a single electoral college vote, it was by accident in 2004.
So, yes, this single vote, cast in error, has a larger count than 50+ years of 3rd parties combined.
"The following were the members of the Electoral College from the state. Nine were pledged for Kerry/Edwards, but one made a mistake and ended up voting for Ewards/Edwards[10] and thus became a faithless elector. Minnesota’s electors cast secret ballots, so unless one of the electors claims responsibility, it is unlikely that the identity of the faithless elector will ever be known. As a result of this incident, Minnesota Statutes were amended to provide for public balloting of the electors’ votes and invalidation of a vote cast for someone other than the candidate to whom the elector is pledged.[11]
Sonja Berg
Vi Grooms-Alban
Matthew Little
Michael Meuers
Tim O’Brien
Lil Ortendahl
Everett Pettiford
Jean Schiebel
Frank Simon
Chandler Harrison Stevens"
Funny, but no shitposting here. Slap an image on it and put it in Political Memes though!
Headline doesn’t match article. Something may have gone wrong when you posted it.
Please edit and correct it or we’ll have to bounce it.
I don’t think it’s about making a positive difference, it’s about liability.
Nope, which is part of the problem.
Tell you what, I’ll put my money where my mouth is. I’ll personally donate $1,000 to any 3rd party that cracks 3% nationally in the upcoming election.
No third party has reached those thresholds in years.
Removed, see the cuvility guidelines on bot accusations.