Ever since I learned about the Fairphone, I keep trying to figure out when they’ll release the Fairphone 5.

Further, I keep wondering whether it’ll be usable easily and realistically by Verizon, since there’s some complications with Fairphone being based in the Netherlands, but I believe generally supported across Europe since so much of their website is in English.

Just about anything I find over on Reddit seems to be outdated, speculating and guessing, or otherwise unreliable.

Anybody know many details about when it might come out, and whether it’ll be supported here in the US??

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 year ago

    Headphone jack, if the fair phone 5 still doesn’t have a headphone jack, fairphone demonstrates that their user hostile company. Removing the headphone jack while introducing earbuds was removing customer choice to force people to buy earbuds.

    I don’t care how repairable the phone is, if it’s designed to remove optionality from me. I’d rather have a phone that gives me more options and is less repairable, then a phone that’s very repairable but not user friendly.

    Hell, they’re all about replaceable, user serviceable modules. Make the headphone jack an optional module!

    • Polymath - dbzer0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 year ago

      (Not trying to be combative/pedantic/“devil’s advocate”)
      What kind of phone do you personally use, and/or prefer, that’s more user-friendly, as opposed to user-hostile?

      I’m not necessarily opposed to anything specifically, and trying to find less-corporate alternatives that are, ideally, more eco-friendly or whatnot, but obviously “no ethical consumption under capitalism” and all. Fairphone is just the least corporate and eco-fucked thing I’ve found thus far that’s reasonable with current technology and interoperability.

      Thoughts? Suggestions??