Im fairly new to WordPress but have a background in commercial #CMS and #CRM systems.

Im exploring Wordpress for a #membership based club that does a variety of organised #events for this reason Im also looking into #CiviCRM amd the integration between the two as I think our isolated commercial membership system is a deadend.

Im struggling to find a set of plugins that:

Bridge the gap in terms of flexible data collection forms that could be used to collect information from website visitors and manage events

Security and access control for page, block and form access

Content lifecycle management functions such as stakeholder identification, content review, approval

The problem doesnt seem to be finding plugins but chosong between them. There seems to be so many out there for functions that I usually had core in the CMS amd many seem to fremium with basic free functions but requiring payment for most functionality.

Id prefer truely free, open source solutions not tied to a single commercial vendor.

Welcome comments amd recommendations especially from other membership organizations.