It was the same on Reddit, people openly say disturbing things against children. What prompted me to post this is someone saying that babies should be put in overhead bins inside airplanes. Even if they’re joking, this is a disgusting thing to say. I won’t say that about anything else.

Would they say this openly about dogs or cats? I doubt it. If they do, people will be ready with pitchforks.

But no one gives a fuck when it’s said about children? Why is that? I though that the general consensus were that children are cute. Maybe annoying sometimes, but still cute. But with the amount of hate I see about them here, I’m really concerned. Does anyone have any thoughts about it?

    1 year ago

    Thank you for literally proving my point. You realize that people are allowed to dislike things, right? Even if you don’t agree with it. You may hate dogs (for instance), that’s your prerogative, but others don’t get to judge you for it, simply because you know what you do and don’t like. So maybe stop being a judgy asshole. I KNOW I don’t like kids. Sure some might be ok for like a minute, but they aren’t for me. That doesn’t mean there is something wrong with me, or I’m trying to be edgy, or I have severe mental health issues, or that I’m an asshole, or that it’s an “interesting point of view”. It’s reality for a LOT of people. I KNOW myself. I know what I do and don’t like. I wish more people would realize it about themselves BEFORE they have kids, and hate them.

    You are absolutely in the bottom 1% of the minority then. I can count on one hand the amount of people who have said “good for you for knowing yourself” or “right on” or any variation of agreement/acceptance/confirmation when I have unequivocally started I did not want kids. I said it as a kid (like under 10 years old), and was told I’d change my mind. I said it in my teens, and was told that I would meet the right person and change my mind. I said it in my 20s, and I was told I’d change my mind I just had to wait for my biological clock. I said it in my 30s, and I was told my clock would start soon, and I’d change my mind. I’ve said it in my 40s, and I’m told “it’s not too late”.

    Not everyone likes children, and THAT’S OK.