Currently I am a uni student, working 4 days a week during the summer, moving to about 3 during term time.

Every day I’m not working I feel tired constantly, regardless of amount of sleep. I push through anyways to get the work that needs done finished, then sit down and just collapse basically. I wouldn’t even call it relax, just sit and switch off.

I don’t have any energy or motivation to play games anymore, even though I used to play avidly. I play guitar but it’s been feeling like I’m not getting as much out of it now…

Once I’m out of uni, I’ll be in full-time and, if I get into the industry I want, more mentally taxing work.

In short, is there something I’m missing here, or is work-eat-sleep-repeat all there is until I retire? Cause frankly I’m more sure I can be arsed if not…


Thanks for the responses, I kinda posted this in a moment of hopelessness for life and I don’t really know what I wanted as a response.

Asking for the meaning of life? Lemmy’s great and all, but I don’t think I’ll find it here lmao

Regardless, there’s a few things here for me to look into and take further, so thank you again!

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  • WtfEvenIsExistence3️
    1 year ago

    I don’t have any energy or motivation to play games anymore, even though I used to play avidly.

    That sounds like me. You know what was happening to me. I was diagnosed with depression. I’m not a doctor and I can’t diagnose you over a internet forum post, but you might want to to see a doctor for potential health issues, or perhaps you might be dealing with a depression issue, like I am.

    I used to write and worldbuilding for my story, but ideas have run out and I just have no energy to continue writing. That’s probably due to depression.

    Asking for the meaning of life? Lemmy’s great and all, but I don’t think I’ll find it here lmao

    The meaning of life is what you want it to be. The universe has not given us one.

    Biologically? It’s to reproduce. For your DNA to continue existing (or at least part of it).

    Evolutionary? For our species to survive and go on conlonizing the solar system, galaxy, universe… etc. (hopefully doing so peacefully unlike in the past)

    Technologically? To achieve immortality.


    To find happiness. Do what’s pleasurable to you (Hedonism).

    To be a good person. Make the world a better place (even if only slightly).

    To acquire more knowledge for yourself and share the knowledge to progress humanity. (Eg: Conduct science experiments, find fossils, identify unknown species (there are still a lot of unidentified species, oddly enough), etc.)

    Personally, I just try to find happiness, being happy makes everything else more meaningful for me.

    If this is to close for comfort for rule 3, feel free to delete mods

    There’s also another community where you can just talk ! about life and stuff.

    Also, I know you are busy with college and stuff, but when I had an existential crisis, I found this show called The Good Place, it helped me process some thoughts regarding existence and stuff. You might want to watch it when you find the time to do so.