For background on this topic without getting too specific, I’m an engineer and I typically work in an office. I’m younger and haven’t been in the work force for long but working in office spaces is driving me insane.

Now I understand that work isn’t supposed to be super fun, but I’d like to at least be able to tolerate it. So far I’ve spent a couple years in offices and it’s been miserable. I enjoy what I do as far as engineering. I like the topics, I like the productive parts of what I do. But I cannot stand office spaces. They’re uncomfortable and depressing environments for me.

I feel like spending time working from home would be ideal, but I’d like to hear people’s thoughts and if anyone else has had this experience. Is it something you just get used to?

    1 year ago

    WFH Pros:

    I get more sleep now

    you can poop in your own toilet and use nice toilet paper.

    See your family and pets more

    A more comfortable environment

    You can see natural light (i think this has helped me a lot. It was really stressful living in darkness all the time. I have no idea how night shift workers stay alive.)

    Woah colors all around you

    Save money and sanity as you don’t have to commute

    WFH cons

    If you value face to face interactions then that might be difficult

    You might need to invest in some equipment

    Some people find it hard to work where they live/sleep as they have a hard time separating work and relaxation spaces.

    Some places could expect more work from you and think that if you’re at home you can work anytime.

    Edit: i cut out my personal experience. To sum it up I found working in an office absolutely miserable and isolating. Often I didn’t get to see the sun or would only see the beginning of the sunrise for a few minutes during my commute.

      1 year ago

      I totally agree with the light situation but in the opposite direction, I love being able to keep my work space lit gently when it’s dark in the evenings rather than the ultra-cool mini-stars of blinding revelation most offices like to install for lights.