This better not awaken anything in me
This better not awaken anything in me
Yeah, that particular turn of phrase annoyed me a little
Take more shits
Don’t cheap out on anything that connects you to the ground.
The unfortunate truth here is that Reddit is a company and Lemmy instances are usually run by a few individuals.
We just don’t have the politic barrier or resources to stand against the pressure
Yeah, +1 for bottom. Love myself a nice ASCII graph
While it has it’s own merits the live action doesn’t hold a candle to the original.
I don’t know how they managed to have less show in more screen time
It depends on the application.
I don’t remember all the specifics but this is the blog post I refer to when this topic comes up
The only time using UTC breaks down is when any sort of time change gets involved.
If I say I want a reminder at 9am six months from now and you store that as UTC, a day light savings change will mean I get my reminder an hour early or late depending on where in the world I am
Facebook doesn’t do anything that doesn’t make Facebook money so excuse my skepticism.
That’s pipenv. Pip just has the capability to read and write from a requirements.txt, which is a step that must be taken manually
People have already covered the great ones so I will mention one of the more obscure.
is my go to. More fault tolerant and gets the job done
I posit this completely made up definition.
Shark is an adjunction of two words
Sharp; because, well look at them
and Ark; because they are boats.
Sharp-Ark > Shark
Isn’t language funny sometimes