If you are going to be lazy and copy paste chat GPT, please remove the artifacts (•) of I think bullet points.
If you are going to be lazy and copy paste chat GPT, please remove the artifacts (•) of I think bullet points.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
It’s clear that, in this case, the education system could use some updating, too.
No it (and multiple other re-intergration based incareration systems are more effective and socially health than the punitive system the USA uses.
Anserweing OP’s question if incareration can be made more ethical than is currently the case in the USA.
It’s quite on topic really.
Yes thats what an antithesis is.
The question was about prisons in general, their personal experience being the basis of them questioning the ethicality of the concept of prisons.
For that matter the Norwegian example is a perfect antithesis to the punitive American system.
Therefore they were absolutely on topic. You may freshen up on comprehensive reading.
I’m sure all of those will vote contrary to those doing the manipulation, right? -Padme
‘Weird’ is what they called Elons Nazi salute too. It’s not the correct term I feel.
I am with you that the more countries take the international tribunal seriously, the better. Like I said its a great detriment that the country the idea was instigited in didn’t subject itself to its rule. If they had it would be much more effective and beneficial.
However dismissing the institution because of that and giving up on the idea alltogether is being defeatist. I think it very necessary to keep ethics and jurisprudence a part of the discussion of international affairs. For instance Israel may reject any jusrisdiction of the ICC. However the IJC delcaring the war in Gaza as genocide an holding Israel and Hamas responsible will mean that their leaders can be arrested in all 124 member states of the Rome Statute.
Even though they might not be aprehended and some countries have said as much, it still means that the prime minster of Israel is handicapped in his comings and goings and will think twice before traveling to such a country.
It does not mean that every bad guy gets punished. Most will get away with it. But I wouldn’t say there isn’t any power about being the first jewish prime minister standing trial for genocide. In the end ethics are a part of human understanding of history.
That’s rather silly. If jurisprudence would only work if everyone was in on it there wouldn’t be any.
‘it says in your lawbook that killing is illegal, yet Mr Dahmer here disagrees, so it’s of the table’
Law is ingrained with our culture and it’s the shitty fact of life that it’s perennially imperfect as people always try to skirt it or circumvent it. That doesn’t mean it’s meaningless.
I don’t know how you came up with the meddling in the lives of individuals bit, though.
No it’s because of:
‘Conspiring against a business’ just like he sued advertisers not advertising on x anymore after he insulted them.
That’s absolutely not a shitpost in my book
Except caring about ethicality of the conduct of countries is great.
What’s not so great is that the county that pitched the idea then withdrew itself from its justification after it was realized.
But as an ideological beacon of jurisprudence we should all aspire to it’s pretty cheap and much more worthwhile than wars on drugs, porn and abortion.
Well they should’ve thought about that before the elections. It’s now unwise to antagonize an all powerful dictator.
Even though his scapegoat isn’t the Jewish people, I don’t think it’s impossible they’d still add you to the list later on.
Were your ancestors some chipmunks?
Or the Danish gadget pop formation ‘the cartoons’?
I always upvote klein bottles