Anise (they/she)

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • That is a good analysis. I think it ignores the obvious components that the conservatives are well funded precicely because conservative dogma is all about protecting the owner class. Wealthy business people are not going to fund efforts to impose progressive taxation, mandatory sick time etc.

    Sure there are rich people in the arts who lean liberal at least in public, but they are outnumbered and out-spent by capital owners.

    The left will never be able to spend as much on communication so the approach has go be completely different. Using the products of capitalism like social media has been effective. Peer-to-peer organizing is slow but costs little. Tacking pro-worker policies onto the platforms of the otherwise pro-business Democrats as a differentiator has lead to some success.

    Reaching the mass media reach of the far right is so difficult to do without the capital backing though. The left really needs to get into the talk radio game. NPR tries but they are inevitably quite centrist.

  • Cloud Atlas did much better as a book than a movie. I am genuinely surprised that they tried to adapt it; it was never gojng to be anything but a confusing mess without the benefit of the long-format of a book to guide you. I’m curious why you considered it propaganda. It had an obvious central theme but that is the case for most cinema. It reads as communalist, which is unusual for most modern cinema which takes its cues from out hyper-individualist culture. Perhaps you see it as propaganda because it is so different from “normal” rugged individualist cinema. Do you consider Batman, The Punisher, Man on Fire, and Taken to be similar propaganda for individualist militant violence-as-solution ideas? Because they are. Aren’t American Gangster, Pursuit of Happiness, Wolf of Wallstreet, etc. capitalist propaganda? It’s easy to miss propaganda when it is reinforcing beliefs and values that you already have.

  • Slackercore at its peak. It is not high cinema, and barely even passable comedy. However, when it came out it was the continuation of the conversation started by Up In Smoke and continued by Beerfest and Knocked Up (all of which are terrible of course). Artisticly, I think the genre and general vibe of these movies is an important counterbalance to the achievements focused infinite-growth buy-new-shiny undercurrents of our culture. The drunk/high/broke/dumb loser protagonists and the shitty low-brow humour are in some ways a refreshing rejection of obligatory grind capitalist culture. They offer an alternative way of existing: a dropout from trying to be the best, a logically hedonistic response to a cold uncaring meaningless universe, a trauma response to an exploitive society that chews people up and spits them out regardless of how hard they toil.

    I’m probably over-analyzing these and they were likely just junk that studios pumpednout to make a cheap buck, but regardless of the intent of their inception I think the “art” is worthy of discussing on its own merits, or rather importantly, lack thereof.

  • A “fun” game when reading quotes from bigots is to swap out “gender ideology” with “bodily autonomy” to realize how absurd, hateful, and fascist the message really is. That’s really what we’re talking about; being trans isn’t a choice but expressing your true gender is somewhat* a choice you make with your body and aesthetic. Fascists don’t want people to have freedom, they want to have power over you for power’s sake. The pushback against “gender ideology” isn’t the reasoned philosophic debate that they want it to sound like, it’s a war against already-marginalized people. It’s “a boot stamping on a human face” because power is both the means and the ends for these fucks. Anyone supporting these assholes should ask themselves what happens if they finally succeed to stamp out the queer menace. Fascists’ continued existence requires another group to persecute and if history is any guide it will be religious minorities, racial minorities, political rivals, etc. until the world is empty and there is no “fruitful ‘tension” that Pope Franky states that he values so much aside from the powerful and those that they decided to keep as slaves.

    *somewhat because for many the choice is transition or suicide

  • “today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences”

    Well I’m glad he said the misogynistic part out loud. In a religion in which only men can hold power, blurring the lines between who can be a man undermines their power structure. They see women as inferior chattel and the strict gender binary allows them to enforce their hegemony. I suppose the pope thinks that LGBT* people around the world being murdered and persecuted is a good thing as long as the cis white straight men get to stay in power.

    Your position is a joke, and everyone with 2 brain cells can tell that it can only exist by enslaving half of the population and trying to murder another 2%. Like any good tiny dictator, you don’t inspire respect for people to follow you, you reach for the cudgel of violence, and make no mistake, your words inspire violence just as much as if you lit the torches yourself. Your god will judge you accordingly.