I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’m a big fan of trichogramma wasps, myself.

    I had a pantry moth infestation as a result of having birds (inherited from my mother - I’d never keep birds of my own choice, and I rehomed them after a few years)

    Anyway, because I had birds and cats, bug bombs were out of the question, but I found trichogramma wasps. They are stingless wasps about the size of a grain of sand, 1-2 mm tops, so you can barely see them, and they lay their egg inside moth eggs (and some 100 other species of mostly pest insects, but they prefer what they hatch from which is typically moth eggs) their daughter eats the moth larva, hatches, and can immediately lay fertile eggs in more moth eggs. No males in the species due to a gut bacteria, so all wasps hatch fertile.

    If anyone reading this needs this info, you can buy trichogramma wasps online, they aren’t expensive, you’ll want ~5k eggs for up to 2k sqft indoors (most sites I’ve seen this is the minimum order anyway, and back when I did it 8 years ago or so, cost me about $12/order, including shipping). They will escape through the window screens, and just die off if there aren’t enough target species’ eggs around, which is fine and not a problem. They can wipe out up to 95% of a targeted species when outdoors, but moths have a long life cycle so you need time to work through all the waves in your enclosed space. Just open the little cup inside, set it down somewhere near the kitchen or where you have the most moths, and that’s it. Repeat every 2-3 weeks until you don’t see moths anymore, which takes about 4-6 months. After that, for two more years, any time you see a moth inside, order another round and release them. This is a precautionary measure in case you still have a residual population hiding somewhere.

  • Unless this one works differently than the one I read about a month or so ago, which isn’t at all clear from this article, no, probably not something we can get as kids.

    The reason is that, at least at the moment, you need a sample of the cancer itself and protein markers for each individual, and each cancer type, so it’s a vaccine that you get only after you get the cancer. Plus it’s multiple doses over the course of several weeks.

    They also aren’t sure if the cancer will come back after being eradicated, so for now they have no idea how effective it will be, nor how long it’ll last.

    But this is a technology very much in its infancy. The first trial ever was earlier this year, so… who knows where it’ll go from there. Maybe they will be able to isolate enough common markers for enough cancers to have a childhood vax for prevention. Almost certainly a long ways off tho.

  • You, umm… might wanna think about not talking while us vast-majority-of-the-working-class are discussing how we are going to eat the rich… just a thought. I know people in your tax bracket, and they are all wildly out of touch with society, just like you appear to be. The most I can make in my area, degreed and with skills and all, is 40k, literally 10x lower than what you make. And you have the absolute audacity to complain.

    So… like… Nobody cares about your “struggle”. At all. Literally nobody ever. You are part of the problem as far as most people are concerned. And you probably actually are part of the problem to be whining like this, anyway.

  • I’d just like to also point out that pretending this is designed to be accessible is a joke when 90+% of the population doesn’t use mobility devices at all and thus this bench supposedly caters to an intensely small subset of the population who doesn’t need it or want it (I’ve never heard wheelchair folks ask for benches; they ask for ramps…), and it functions less well for everyone else as a result. Need to care for a child on the park bench? Too fucking bad.

    The epitome of “the cruelty is the point”.

  • That’s so… limiting…

    I’m in a swing state and can choose to vote for any single party in the primary. Just one. You can declare a party by filling a bubble on your ballot, so if you accidentally vote somewhere you don’t mean to it doesn’t count (the list is big), and if you don’t do that and vote in more than one none count, but if one party is locked in due to incumbent or something, I can vote for the least bad option in the opposing side. I’m not locked in to anything, and I think I’m still registered as a dem from so so many years ago.

    Everyone should have that and it’s so weird that we let states decide that sort of thing.