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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I have absofuckinglutley no faith whatsoever in our society to do the right thing in this respect. We value ownership waytoofuckingmuch when it comes to businesses, were never going to get past the argument of “I put forward the capital for this business, I am entitled to all of the profits. Who cares that there is no work for you? No work no pay.”

    I forsee a gigantic increase in homelessness and politicians will use that as an excuse to further cut any social spending as they’ll pin all our issues on “communist policies.” :(

  • “I just cannot believe that there are decent people left in the country who vote Republican.”

    The problem is that the vast majority of them don’t see this in the same way we do, they get their messaging from propaganda outlets that tell them our description of what is happening is completely wrong and revisionist, taking the bite of of the accusation we lay against them as well.

    They can be completely well meaning and just want “real history” to be taught, trusting their kids will be intelligent enough to sort out what was really bad or really good. They’ll also try to look elsewhere and say “see white people were slaves too, some countries enslave their own people, it’s not about racism!” They run with whatever messaging they’re given and truly think they are “good people.” They can be good people while still being mislead and spouting garbage…

    I’ll never believe ALL Republicans are hot garbage terrible people. I was once a 9/11 truther, I once fell down the rabbit holes of various conspiracies, so I have “faith” that a lot of these people are well meaning and are mislead, that they may at some point finally see what they’ve been told is just a lie. It takes time and a conscious effort to pay attention. I’m an absolute complete and utter moron and if I can climb out of that hole so can others, there isn’t one single, tiny, iota of a thing that makes me special or intelligent if anything there’s more reason to believe I couldn’t escape the rabbit holes.

    Then of course there are the hate filled, literal Nazis waving actual Nazi flags… There’s no defense for them lol

  • “Give your workers what they need and their families benefit too.”

    This implies that they care about what your family or what you need. Every business exists for the sole purpose of extracting money from something, they do EVERYTHING in their power to pay you the LEAST amount possible. All they want are meat machines that can make decisions, press the correct buttons, lift the heavy thing and listen to commands all as cheaply as possible.

    It’s pretty bad where I work, if you don’t fight for a raise you never get one. I have coworkers who have a hard time speaking up (some don’t even speak fluent English) and they’ve never gotten a raise in the 6 years I’ve known them because they never ask and the boss is more than happy to not have to spend a single dime more.

    Being uneducated doesn’t help either, I’m considered as valuable as the decayed dog droppings Mr.Dogwalker never picked up. Some might even argue the droppings are actually contributing resources back to the environment which is more valuable than my uneducated ass. But hey, my boss owns a helicopter so that’s nice.

  • That line of reasoning just ends up being “we NEED poor people because otherwise there would be inflation and I’d have to spend more.”

    We don’t NEED poor people to exist… We NEED full time jobs that pay a living wage.

    Just take a look on any job site, forget burger flippers, ANY JOB that doesn’t require a masters degree and like 15 years experience ALL offer disgusting wages that you NEED 2 people to live off of. 30-50k for everything under the sun… In NY that’s a joke, in rural bumfuck Egypt it would work, but the jobs aren’t there, they’re where the people are.