The prophecies about the end times, about now. One of them says “and the love of the greater number will grow cold”. This, right here. The last few years.
The Post Ninja
The prophecies about the end times, about now. One of them says “and the love of the greater number will grow cold”. This, right here. The last few years.
Watch this be a 400 IQ move for Musk to cut away the one thing that his Red peers don’t like: icky clean energy things
However, allowing ads means allowing tracking. You got corelation with the ads being served from ad brokers, who can now see what sites you been on and have a record of where you’ve been.
Don’t use your Tor session to sign in. Also banks will probably not let you sign in via Tor.
Yes, turning off adblocker is worse. You should be using Tor browser with default configuration to browse privately, and never sign in to anything to further avoid getting tracked.
Browser fingerprinting takes measurement of things the browser exposes. If a browser exposes installed extensions, this can be used to corelate information. If awebsite checks if the browser loaded something or not, that also can be used to corelate.
Example, you (ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) visited this website (trackingsite.xyz), with a screen resolution of 1920x1080, using a (Mozilla/firefox) browser. The three trigger pixels did not load, meaning you’re using an adblocker, and the remote font loaded from localhost, not google. Your canvas, microphone, and camera are all blocked. Your browser also responded to an api ping for (useful extension). Interesting. This same configuration was also on (othertrackingsite.xyz) and (definitelyalegalsite.xyz), both of which a browser with the same info navigated to for at least 5 minutes, so we know it wasn’t a mistype. This same browser configuration was seen regularly browsing these sites on [days of the week] at [time of day], indicating a regular habit.
We know who you are and where you have gone.
Ironically, the Aztek is way better, despite its age…
Diesel straight up doesn’t run when it gets cold enough. Diesel fuel becomes jelly in the negatives. They have to mix it with avgas to keep it liquid enough.
Now that’s something I’m looking for
Ah, yes, the ol’ Bob Weottababyitzaboi
The lights are combined link/act, not separate link act. left for upper side, right for lower side. 2 and 4 are blinking, 1 and 3 (the empty ports) are not.
Had a Biblical right, but they forfeited it when they stopped following God and went and did things worse than the surrounding nations. They were rejected as a kingdom of God just before Babylon took over, and when they flash mobbed the Romans to execute Jesus, that completed the rejection. Israel has not been the Kingdom of God for 2,500 years, roughly, and definitely do not have his backing for this assault.
Ah no, the Floridian trick didn’t work!
Running a winter-hardened rally car isn’t cheap. They better get hazard pay.
and I will reach, any star
It’s been a long time, but my time is finally here
It’s alive and kicking on standalone android thanks to Quest, but soon more android headsets that aren’t from meta are about to come out. Being able to PC VR with these is always a preference.
Get a used Dell Latitude 5310 on ebay, they cost around $200-ish. Get one with at least 16GB RAM. They’re cheap, modern, easy to repair and have a stupidly long battery life. Install Linux Mint. You’re done.