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Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • If we can’t even begin to understand how a biological brain like ours produces the phenomenon of ‘thought’ and ‘consciousness’, then how the fuck can you build machines and write software that does those things? Rhetorical question, we can’t, full stop. All we’ve got is fakery, the illusion of ‘thinking’, ersatz, not the real thing.

    For fuck’s sake, I go round and round with people on this shit every fucking time because everyone believes the hype and are never told the facts. They watch TV shows and movies and think someone made that real. They take for granted what their brains can do naturally and effortlessly (…well, not so effortlessly in too many peoples case) and knowing nothing about software or hardware think it’s trivial to make machines that can do what their own brain can do. It. Is. Not.

  • No, moron, I’m NOT. Go talk to neuroscientists; that’s what I did. They’ll tell you: an amoeba has more cognitive capability than the best of this crapware.

    YOU get your “”“AI”“” information from media hype, who gets it from AI company marketing departments, who are told: “Sell this crap we created so we can get paid”.

    You’re dumb. You’re so dumb that you can’t understand when someone who is actually smart tells you something, so you think they’re dumb. Get yourself a dog, name it ‘Clue’, so you’ll always have one.

  • Here’s the thing: what they keep calling ‘AI’ isn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ at all. It’s just language processing on a large scale. This type of software has no actual cognitive capability; it can’t ‘think’, it has no capacity to ‘think’ at all, but they’ve written it so it gives the appearance of ‘thinking’; it’s a trick, it’s fake.

  • Putin is a piece of shit human being who needs to “”“accidentally”“” fall out a high window or “”“accidentally”“” get some polonium in his food. He’s already depopulating Russia of young men for this illegal and immoral invasion of a peaceful democratic sovereign country, and now that they’re fresh out of young men, they’re press-ganging old men and anyone else who can hold a rusty rifle and get their ass shot off in Ukraine. Wouldn’t put it past this motherfucker to start sending old ladies and disabled people over there too.

    Here’s the thing, though: Putin knows damned well that if he fails to take Ukraine, the Oligarchs will have him killed, guaranteed. But here’s the other thing about that: he’s going to fail, so he’s dead one way or the other.

    Putin should just flee Russia, get plastic surgery to change his appearance, and go live in some remote wilderness for the rest of his unnatural life, and Russia should GTFO of Ukraine now.

  • I know all that. I’m talking about the moving parts in the ENGINE, which then would not exist. A brushless DC drive motor only has bearings to worry about. A gearbox is necessary but a well-made gearbox should last for decades and is way easier to rebuild than an entire ICE engine. Of course suspension and brake parts wear out over time, but as you can see I wasn’t referring to those any more than I was referring to tires. All those things are cheaper and easier to replace, really, than having to worry about an entire ICE engine, with the fuel system, cooling system, and exhaust system to worry about. At worst an EV might have a motor or it’s inverter go bad, and of course the battery pack has a limited lifespan, but those are essentially drop-in replacements compared to what you have to go through with a modern ICE and all the crap attached to them.