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Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • I’ve read The Guardian article about the situation, and what stuck out to me was this:

    The US president, Joe Biden, said he was aware of Israel’s plans to launch an operation into Lebanon as he urged against such a move. “I’m more aware than you might know and I’m comfortable with them stopping,” he told reporters at the White House. “We should have a ceasefire now.”

    Thank you Biden, just wag your finger and keep feeling “comfortable with them stopping”, that is ought to give you some moral victory points which is all that matters (and not thousands of civilians being killed by Israel that’s funded by US).

  • Calling democrats “Blue MAGA”, at least currently is a stretch and a half since there is still a sizeable difference between the parties, but yeah - current democrats are getting real close to pre-2000’s republicans in everything except few policies.

    As you have correctly pointed out, a lot of the American liberals are unquestionably supporting Kamala no matter what she does, and it’s just so frustrating to see. People can support and vote for a party but also be critical of it much like how you can have your favorite video game and have gripes with it that you hope could have been fixed, but I guess that’s taking a backseat in favour of “politics as team sports” where the only thing that matters is beating the other side.

    That being said, choosing not to vote for dems because of this is stupid - even if democrats aren’t going to shift back to center, it’s a much better alternative for the average person (foreign or otherwise) than Trump becoming the dictator. Though I worry about the future of US politics - republicans who stay with Trump are numerous, and once he’s gone then another alt-right populist is going to come, one who’s even worse than Trump (while being younger and more lucid), and there is no guarantee democrats are going to have Kamala 2 to steal the momentum back or even be able to fight them.

  • I don’t believe this would achieve anything to be honest. Consider the following: the vast majority of republicans saw Trump’s policies and Project 2025, without going “hold on, this ‘abolition of democracy and jailing of people who disagree with us’ thing is bad!”. If a Republican was actually reasonable with their morals intact, they would have hopped ship to Democratic party already or spoken out and disagreed against Trump earlier (there were a couple but they really were in a minority).

    All this ‘compromising’ is going to achieve is giving some of Democrat power away to Republicans who might split from current MAGA, sure, but once another Trump is in the picture they will go back to them straight away, except this time it will be much worse.

  • I don’t think this is a good thing. While the current form of conservatism was kind of started by Trump via whatever horrible things he was saying, it’s a pandora’s box that was opened and will probably never be closed again as long as there’s an audience to the talking points. If Trump were to become effectively disowned by conservatives, they’re likely going to replace him with someone even worse (someone like Mike Johnson or any other christian fundamentalist) which is the true horror.

    Also remember - all this talk from conservatives about Trump being a “bad candidate” is not because his policies or project 2025 are bad, it’s only because he’s no longer that popular.

  • the supposed resurgence of fascism never happened despite EU running capitalism for 79 years since the World War 2.

    If you took 5 minutes to look into elections in Europe and in US, you’d see that far-right are becoming more dominant in elections, white nationalists and neo-nazis are openly having marches on streets and attacking the “enemy” (like immigrants or muslims), Russia is pretty much an unofficial fascist state right now and so on.

    You’re right, resurgence of fascism never happened, but it is happening right now.

  • Funnily enough, not even neoliberals believe in the free market regardless of how much they spout its nonsense.

    Thatcher was one of such neoliberals, she would always talk about how people should become self-sufficient and governments shouldn’t interfere in the free market for it to truly work and so on, but during her rule she was spending billions in subsidies for corporations (aka government interference in the free market). Of course, they weren’t called subsidies in the paperwork but some other bullshit like “public investment”, but their effect was still the same.

  • Realistically, the only real way to deal with them is counter-protest, but that’s difficult since the right has completely taken over the direct action/protest field in the past 10 years, so it’s a question whether or not the left can organize anymore (unless things get really bad, like how Antifa was very active during Trump).

    We can try to combat misinformation and propaganda on the media to try and prevent this from even happening or telling people that it’s all bullshit, but it’s not effective since many popular sources directly benefit from this misinformation (be it in clicks or political goals) and either turn a blind eye or purposefully spread it (notable instance being Twitter).

    Unless some sort of magical fairy-tale leftist revolution happens where most people get rallied under class issues and inequality rather than race and shared bigotry, this will probably continue happening more and more.

  • Same as you, I was somewhat already leaning towards Linux but seeing Windows 10 EOL announced around 3 years ago and seeing what new “features” are going to be implemented to Windows 11, I decided to hop ship.

    The main reason for switch was privacy concerns, got redpilled by Mental Outlaw while he was still making regular Linux videos.