Edit: I am guessing people that downvote me for this are people who never had a cat. You’ll have a bad time with your cat acting up like crazy if you deny them something they had access to. Maybe that can be trained away but the average person having a cat will likely not be able to do that. Doing something drastic like just telling all cat owners their cats cannot go outside anymore will just fill up the animal shelters. It’s not that easy.
I don’t think it would be difficult for the average person to train out of a cat. It’s not like keeping them off a desk or counter top where they need to be supervised because there isn’t much else that can be done to stop them. You just need to keep doors and windows closed. The cat probably isn’t going to be thrilled but I feel like it would get over it soon albeit with the occasional attempt to dash out the door.
Do you really think that’s going to last that long? I feel like there would be a transitional phase where the cat isn’t jazzed about it but they’d eventually realize
I feel like most people who let their cats outside wouldn’t keep a new cat inside as well to go back to what the original commenter said.