• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    I do understand that you all come from an assembly line, but guess what, I’m not like you. I’m an individualist. That’s why I’m having a better life while you spend more and more of your little pay while the government steps on you because you don’t matter. I have a brain to use that wasn’t washed in believing that the shitty life you’re living is great, just because the homeless get monthly money for beer.

    And that stupidity of not understanding stealing from public… big ooof… dude, your brainwashing is so strong. I can see why you’d call any fact I say “gaslighting”.

    Cheap bot, yet it’s good enough to keep you on your toes… hahahahahahaha!

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Hahahahahaha… you’re amazing! You’re so brainwashed to the point you’d rather believe I’m a bot than micro-challenge your view of reality. Dude, that’s a new level of pathetic.

    And FYI, I make high 6 figures in USD, so kiss it. You think I would stay in research in Germany accepting money stolen from the population? I’m a man of principle, and you’re a clown.

    Never forget. I’m watching and laughing as you fall.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Oh, yeah. It’s not the truth that your standard of living is shit now and going down by the day. It’s all lies… you know. I’m making it all up. I should’ve made fun of you when you sent the Lebowski meme and ended the conversation, because that was when you realized that everything I said is truthful and called me an asshole. But here I am I learned my lesson. When an ignorant pleb calls you an asshole, it basically means they don’t have a logical answer and it’s the best concession I’ll ever get. So, you go enjoy your dumb socialistic dream, and I’ll enjoy my “childish anarchism”, aka, capitalism, where I practice personal responsibility and reap the fruits of my labor and create a better life for my family and community. Just remember that the more you fall, the more I’ll be watching and laughing. Your electricity is 0.5 Euro/kWh, and it was 0.3 when I left. And it’ll just keep going up, and I’ll just be laughing. When I see you cry on social media, I will only laugh more and say that you deserve worse, because I’m always right, and I will always be right, and that’s why my standard of living is better than yours. Have fun licking the boot while convincing yourself that giving the homeless drink money is how societies prosper. Heh. Ciao!

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Dude, your arrogance is another level. Of course you won’t believe me, because that will shatter your whole belief system… “how could someone really smart believe all the things I disagree with?”… it’s much easier for you to not believe that. Don’t worry. I understand. Whatever makes you happy!

    “Apocalypse”… says the guy living in the crashing economy where his heart could blow up before he gets a doctor’s appointment, while my principles work in a capitalist country where I go to a doctor whenever I want and don’t even pay that much. You really need a reality check on your arrogance and brainwashing. Learn how to end a conversation without being smug. It’s unfortunate that I wasted my time with you and you learned absolutely nothing, not even that your health care sucks that you should be a little humble. Wow. Go have a good life and stop trying to convince me what they brainwashed you with. Just end it.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    I don’t know why you think I’m not reading what you’re typing, though I am actively avoiding following you into subtopics because I want this to end. So, have a good life.

    FYI, I have a PhD in physics from a top university in Europe. So, believe you me, I know what science is way more than you.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Communities are how humanity survived for thousands of years. The governmental structures, that are today corrupt and aren’t made for us, simple people, have been up for only short period of time. I think the evidence isn’t on your side. You’re talking ideals about governments, then judging communities on points that are at best questionable and at worst a complete misunderstanding on how the world works today.

    For example, you think judging a person by “absolute law” is possible. This is not realistic. Judges in law, today, try always to take the circumstances into account, include personal and daily behavior. A criminal who fights every day with everyone and/or ex-convict isn’t like a good man who takes care of his family and does a mistake. This is actually the fault of our schooling system… they make you think that courts today, which are the playing field of the rich and whoever has the money wins, are the castles of absolute justice. This is beyond ridiculous… and shows that you’ve never went to court to get what’s yours. Go and try to get what you deserve in court and good luck with that. Not once… not once I was able to benefit from police or courts because they’re not for us, including cases where things were stolen from me. Yet schools brainwashed you with ideals that are never true in real life. You not realizing how the courts work today, yet defending them with ideals is the rubber stamp that proves that society is successfully brainwashed to defend its oppressor.

    I like this saying because it accurately describes you: “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying”.

    And I’ll add, you’re facilitating it.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    For some reason you think that the society can be efficient as much as communities are. This isn’t true. Judgment from your community is much more accurate from a judiciary that doesn’t know anything about you. I think this is your only problem in your thought process. Once you realize that people should be helped only by those who care about them, and helping people you don’t know by giving them money wrecks them 99.99% of the time, you’ll know where I’m coming from. Reworking legislation doesn’t help, because humans have always been better at loopholing laws than following them. Politicians manipulate them to reach their goals (maximize dependence of the population), and people loophole them to maximize their benefit. This will never work. You will never, ever, find the set of rules that will make a perfect society, but you can find the set of rule that makes a perfect small community where people care for each other.

    You don’t need to move to villages to make this work, btw. You can just keep the government out of it, and make help come from local communities. People will help each other (and have always done that).

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    I have to say I’m having trouble understanding your first sentence. The English is a little broken. And btw, it’s “your problem”, not “you’re problem”.

    But from what I understand, you seem to be taking the opposite extreme and creating a false dichotomy. It’s not “all or nothing” for governments. Having a small government (i.e., a government that doesn’t spend a big fraction of the GDP) doesn’t mean we don’t have a military, but it just means that the government serves the people, which seems to be fading away now when people depend on the government’s paycheck.

    The cripple, the ignorant, etc, should be taken care of by their own communities and families. This is how it always has been, like 100 years ago. This is the best way to deal with this because not everyone deserves free help, since it’s close-to-impossible to know whether someone is being willfully lazy or really needs help. When the government mandates theft from working citizens (whether with money printing or taxes) and giving it to the lazy, you’re basically providing an inventive to be lazy, which is why the welfare recipient numbers just go up, and it never goes down. While on the other hand, in a closed community, people know the behavior of each other and each individual, and when someone needs help they receive it (and I have always helped my community when problems happen), and if they’re being willfully lazy, they can be punished to adjust their behavior by the community members that know whether they deserve the help. This should be the goal: To incentivize productivity and support of your local communities… not to throw money at people. Money alone has always only made things worse, by increasing dependence and entitlement and even inflation.

    The golden question here is: How do we get back people to the workforce after having created this huge dependence on free government money and reducing their freedoms as a price. I think society will have to collapse first, which is what’s happening slowly by a reduction in the standard of living. The day will come, sooner or later, when collapse will create many angry people, and those will eat each other. We don’t need Thanos for that. People will destroy themselves with their stupidity.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    In a way, but not exactly. I’m saying that the goal of every individual should be to become as strong, independent and powerful to have the choice to leave if the government messes up. This whole idea that “it’s great the government is giving free stuff” is the problem, which extends to the idea of this post. People should be pissed when the government gives free stuff. It only means that society has failed because, normally people should be strong and self-sufficient. But politicians benefit, as explained earlier, and love it when the people become dependent on them. It just makes them more powerful. And it’s not like the government is creating anything. It’s just a bunch of parasitic elites who become more powerful the weaker people become.

    Am I saying we shouldn’t have a government? No. This isn’t what I’m saying.

    I’m saying that there should be a balance of power, where people understand that the government is there to serve them, and the first step there is to reject all notions of socialism and encourage self-sufficiency in a strong economy, where individuals and their communities don’t need the government, but the government needs them. But we’re headed in the opposite direction, where people are propagandizing how great it would be if they get free money from the government, while they sit home and be lazy because “there’s no point in trying”. A person that receives their allowance from the government has zero say or freedom in anything, because once they open their mouth, the handouts can stop and they don’t know how to get out and make money, as opposed to someone who doesn’t need anyone (except their local community in emergencies) to survive.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Yep, I’m an asshole. At least I’m an honest asshole that isn’t trying to paint the sky pink with “democratic socialist” countries as if that’s the best thing that ever existed.

    Though I’m not an asshole for no reason. I want EVERYONE to be powerful like me. I want everyone to determine their own fate. I want everyone to serve their community and be strong with clear goals and not need an 8 Euro/hour job. And that’s where you’re wrong. Europe is doomed because of that, not because “everyone is doomed”.

    If everyone understands the consequences of the pink sky picture you’re painting, which is the awful politics, health care, standard of life due to inflation and being a pawn, etc, despite living in one of the most industrial countries in the world, then people will know that something is wrong and will be able to squeeze politicians more to get more, or they can leave and hurt them by lowering their economic output. Though if everyone served coffee in Starbucks, and got UBI from the government, they’ll never have a chance to have a better life, and that’s exactly what I’m fighting for, and besides all the facts against communism and socialism that gets people to argue online, this is why it’s bad. Because normally the government serves the people, but if people get paid by the government, then people serve the government, and voting becomes nothing but a game where whoever bribes the people more with their own money gets more votes, and that’s where we’re headed.

    Solution? Stop saying that there’s no point in making power, wealth and money, and do it! That’s why I’m here telling people to try.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Health care? Don’t make me laugh. At times we waited 6 months for a doctor’s appointment to the point where we had to book based on an emergency to just see the freaking doctor. Another story, my mom was almost hooked on morphine because the doctor wasn’t authorized to prescribe MRI after MONTHS of treatment because of the dumb regulations in health care. Taking an xray is an appointment. Give me a break!

    You know how long it takes an xray where I live? 10 minutes. MRI never took more than a few days. I can’t tell you where I live, obviously. But hey, I got out of that freaking hell in Germany.

    Crisis, huh? You know, when the covid “crisis” was going on, my company was begging me to stay when I was quitting to leave Germany because I’m very skilled and productive. They told me “don’t worry, the covid crisis is almost over”, you know what I told them? I told them “you still don’t understand politicians, do you? Do you know how politicians make you forget a crisis? With another crisis”. And see how right I was. I’m the best at predicting the future, not because I’m smart, but because I’m not brain-washed, and your future isn’t so bright. So, enjoy the series of crises in your “democratic socialist” countries.

    Anyway, besides all that, you’re just pawns. The “government” doesn’t really care about you except to vote for them to stay in power, and they’ll do the bare minimum to win that. The time will come when food becomes unaffordable with all these businesses closing and the Euro inflating. I assure you, the pawns will justify it with another “crisis”.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    I’m from Germany. Would you like to talk about the energy policies in Germany that have caused inflation to sky rocket? Or maybe the ECB printing money to oblivion? You wanna talk about how business are getting wrecked with electricity costs?

    Governments are people, no matter where. They have their agendas, and they’ll do what it takes to achieve them whether alone or by coordinating with the devil. If you agree with them, it’s a coincidence. One day you’ll disagree with them and they’ll screw you over and throw you under the bus. It’s a matter of time.

  • Decompose@programming.devtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldRobots
    10 months ago

    Except that they have planes now. They can fuck things up so bad while accumulating wealth, then fly away and deal with none of the consequences while they spend money from their vast bank accounts in Switzerland.

    Didn’t this happen in Sri Lanka a few months ago?