No. It did not upset me in any way. I would be curious as to why you think that, though.
No. It did not upset me in any way. I would be curious as to why you think that, though.
Yeah. I guess. It is what I said.
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Thank you. I was starting to question myself but seriously couldn’t see anything wrong.
Also your description of this person is very polite. I would have just called them a fucking asshole.
Edit: I love how the person I replied to deleted all of their comments. Says a lot.
But that’s what I’m saying tho. Even if china sucks, they are at least predictable and we should rather trade with them instead of the USA.
Just don’t become dependent again. We saw how this worked out.
Tbh I’m gonna ignore you now. Call me a pussy but I’m tired of having my words twisted. I can hate the country. It’s not racist. It would be racist if I hate the people. But I don’t. I hate the culture and you say I don’t know anything about it, even though I just stated things that I know about it. I never mentioned the race. I mentioned „work to death“ to the point where there are grids in front of windows so people can’t jump. And I mentioned social status. What worth does an unmarried 34 year old man have in china? Exactly. Close to none. I know these things. Stop denying the truth.
And lastly FUCK YOU for repeatedly calling me a racist. You’re a fucking idiot if you think that. I clearly and obviously stated that I hate the culture, not the people. And I will say it again. I don’t hate Chinese people. I hate their culture and their government.
Kill me for it. I’m done with this useless discussion.
The whole country is dystopian. But agree there are smart people. They are just used for doing/inventing awful stuff.
They are playing the long game and are currently the only ones benefiting from all that happens. They sit by idly watching our idiot leaders antagonise each other.
I literally said that I don’t hate Chinese people, I hate the culture. That is not racist to hate „work to death“ and „be worthless unless you reach a certain social status“ etc.
I’m sure there a nice aspects. But most of the culture seems forced and cruel. It’s all dependent on social status and that’s kinda sad. I hate that. I would hate it anywhere, not just in china. I would hate it in my country too. So how is this possibly racist? Some cultures are just worse than others.
Someone is very butthurt. Probably Chinese, by chance?
You keep saying „like the US“ as if that was an argument at all lol. Yes. Like the US. Both are authoritarian shitholes.
You don’t have the mental capacity to learn mandarin? lol that’s pretty nicely worded. I simply don’t have the fucks and would rather die than learn that language. I had enough trouble with French. And they use „normal“ letters.
Piss off. It’s not racist to hate a country. It’s racist to hate their people. Not all cultures are worth being praised. Some deserve to be condemned. And I hate Chinese culture. And Japanese for that matter. They are dystopian if you take a closer look.
If a country keeps a horrible leader for that many years, it also tells a lot btw. Normally you would re to get rid of said leaders. But apparently it’s fine.
I disagree. China is a scary place with face recognition and all that shit. I wouldn’t ever travel there. If my job sent me there, I would rather quit than travel to china.
Fuck china. Also Chinese culture in general is pretty unappealing to me, who is used to a free life without all these stupid and arbitrary „rules“ like having to be married or else you’re worthless and all that crap.
Also their factories have grids in front of windows so workers can’t kill themselves by jumping out. Tells me all I need to know.
I hate the whole thing, not just the government.
But please note that I do not blanket hate all Chinese people though.
Yeah. America (USA) only made empty promises. Most of their aid didn’t even arrive. It’s just hot air.
But, as a German resident, and considering that we just approved one trillion for Defense and infrastructure, with no actual cap if we needed more, I feel like 3 billion is kind of a joke? Am I wrong?
Thanks for the laugh.
Yeah, but that’s only as long as they target the US with their bullshit. Dictatorships don’t exactly have a history of stopping after „defeating“ their enemy. They’ll find new ones (spoiler it’s gonna be Europe).
That country fucking sucks major ass. Space lasers when?
That country fucking sucks ass.
Maybe, but the same could be said about most European countries. It’s mainly the small ones that are currently „growing“. The established big players have been kinda stagnant for a while.
The dude freed Andrew Tate. I don’t need to know anything else. Donald trump is a fucking scumbag and I hope he dies sooner rather than later. Hopefully it happens in a plane together with musk and Vance.
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