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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • So underpaid and overworked entry level laborers aren’t cleaning them to sterile perfection. Oh no. Shocker

    Counter point: if the screen is covered, what makes you think the door handle those same hands are touching is sanitary? What about the table and chair you’re sitting at? Other people sit there too, do you really think those tables are getting wiped down after every single patron leaves?

    This is why we wash our hands before we eat.

  • In a just society these would be allowed to relieve all cashiers from their positions to pursue their passions.

    But we must slave away to justify our existence because a few rich fucks don’t want to share and established that mindset as the cornerstone of society.

    I just wanted to wail into the void about automation and how our loves could be so much better if people would just lose the chains already.

  • Too me it sounds like an artist who has been shackled by the system, became mentally unwell and began self medicating with weed, but still prideful enough to know that working for the sake of working is wrong and refuses to do it.

    I can relate, it sounds like me. Used to be a prolific musician and artist. Loved using my hands. But life had other plans and a lack of medical access cost me my hands. Yay genetics! Now I can never do what I love again and must accept that I must toil my days away just to survive because I could never make my passions profitable. I don’t even know if I have undiagnosed mental issues, can’t afford to get that checked or fixed even if I could get it checked.

    People who spout that others are lazy are blinded to plight of others.

  • Internalized logical fallacies combined with perceived (or real) trauma along with a lack of critical thinking skills or self awareness required to understand that their thinking is illogical.

    The brain is a dumb piece of meat that was shocking into awakening and it is scrambling to make sense of the world and its experiences. It doesn’t do a good job if left to its own devices and very often makes mistakes that if not rectified early on can become near impossible to unlearn due to cognitive dissonance.

    These lines of thinking have existed for a very long time, becoming louder during the age of information, and all it takes is for someone not in a good headspace to read something that both reaffirms their sorrow as well as shift their personal responsibilities onto another entity. Our brains eat that shit up if not critically analyzed.

    So when someone attempts to say that their perceived persecution is wrong or self imposed they become angry feeling invalidated on a personal level.

  • Bro unfortunately I do belive people would be careless enough to do that.

    Had roommates that when they did dishes would keep the water running instead of filling up the sink. Didn’t matter if it was even a few days worth of dishes.

    I even mentioned to them about it, they said they just didn’t want to put their hands in a sink full of dirty dish water.

    People really do be that senseless.