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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Because if everyone involved is quitting their jobs, they’ll have no money with which to buy food. Which means they’ll have to farm it themselves. And farming, even with top-of-the-line modern tech, is backbreaking fucking work. Also unpredictable as hell: bad harvests aren’t uncommon, especially for novice farmers with no formal training like these guys would be.

    In other words, one bad harvest, and everyone in the system you’re proposing fucking dies. Yeah, there’s a reason in the 1800s people were abandoning their family farms for the horrorshow of Victorian era-factories en masse: because even that hell was still preferable to farming.

  • It’s also been used as a symbol of the Russian invasion (since during the initial attack, the Russians used Z, V, and O as markings on their vehicles. Fortunately, O never seemed to catch on at all, probably cause it’s too generic a shape.) You saw it sometimes in Russian propaganda alongside the Z, especially towards the beginning of the war. But it seems like it’s been mostly phased out in favor of focusing on Z in the last few months.

    And yes, can’t believe I forgot about Q! Although that’s probably a good thing, because it hopefully means QAnon’s peaked and is starting to fade? Finger crossing intensifies

  • Can you provide sources for this?

    The source is that Russia murders its own oligarchs the second they fall out of Putin’s favor, and anyone who holds up a blank sign in protest of the regime gets shipped off to the front lines. No way that man would survive a second if he ever went against the party line. Which means he hasn’t done so.

    It might make sense for him to self-censor to avoid angering one of the few places that are allowing him to stay but even that’s not a given: if he felt something needed to be said badly enough, he’s shown to be the type of person who would rather something be said and take the repercussions on the nose than to leave something unsaid.

    And yet he’s happily kept his mouth shut about Russia actively committing genocide.

    If I were him, I’d get on the next plane to the US and happily spend the rest of my life in Leavenworth rather than allow myself to become a propaganda tool for a bunch of genocidal fascists. The fact that he hasn’t done that speaks volumes about his character. None of it’s good.

  • There’s a difference between “America has serious problems,let’s get to work fixing them” and “America is inherently evil and can’t be saved (and you’re an idiot at best, a right-wing plant at worst for thinking otherwise)”. The former fires people up to start making progess, the latter shuts people down or causes them to tune out of politics altogether.

    And to be blunt, this particular meme feels like it’s falling more in the second category than the first, at least to me.