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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • You’re just being purposely obtuse

    Projection. Find me one person who didn’t vote because of the superdelegates or voted a certain way because of the superdelegates. After that we can discuss whether or not we think it’s reasonable to believe it may have swung in 12 points.

    Hillary was the DNC’s person and they did what they could to give her advantages.

    Certainly she was their person, but there is scant evidence that they did anything to make this happen. The emails would have revealed a whole lot more if that was the case. Remember, one of the worst things that came out of the emails that was a focal point of the complaints, was saying mean things about sanders. Thats how bad it was. Mean things. Maybe this is all “they could to give her advantages” but if that’s the case then the whole argument is silly.