• 46 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.

  • With Mel Brooks producing there’s definitely hope. Depending on how much he’s producing. The man doesn’t likely need the money. And likely wouldn’t want to tarnish the original and his legacy for a cash grab.

    Plus there’s been more star wars produced post the original than there was before. And no end of directions to go.

    I was literally commenting to someone the other day how I’ve missed any quality entries in the spoof genera. Scary Movie started out okay in the late 90s early aughts. But like every other spoof series of the era they all derailed and became poorly written stories stuffed with pointless meta. That failed at their basic task. Being entertaining. Naked gun/police squad or airplane may not have been all that original. And they had their meta too. But on the whole it all holds up better because of the writing and performers. After all not everyone can be Top Secret and have an under water western bar fight.

  • I like the character concept and the overall look of everything. it reminded me of dark Hawk from the 90s. The movies flaws were the typical ones any Warner Brothers DC property generally has. Studio meddling with the writing. The ending of it was some of the weakest I’ve seen. Completely unexplained character arc shifts that don’t make sense. Just so the hero can win in the end. It was so bad, so weak. I have some hope for them now putting James Gunn in as more of a head of control for the overall project. He is at least someone who has a basic understanding or interest in many of these properties. And will try to do right by them as much as he can.

  • Just because you in isolation are doing it. Does not mean it is a characteristic of all economic liberals. More importantly. We know that Aid and Outreach is more effective when it is handled by larger organizations. Larger than private individuals. And of course larger than Church congregations. Something rothbard liberals heavily oppose. Mutual Aid absolutely should be one of the primary things our government is involved in. Especially a Dejacque libertarian government.

    Libertarians and other groups even in the United States supported lgbtq far earlier than 1970. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad that for all the damage Rothbard, the Koch brothers, and others have done masquerading as Libertarians that is one of the things they’ve kept lip service to at least. They won’t actually do anything to actually improve the lives of lgbtq. But at least they support not overtly visibly discriminating against them.

    There certainly are some selfish bastards in every ideology. But economic liberal rothbard Libertarians have a higher concentration than natural. It’s possible that you might be an actual libertarian. But you would be more the exception in the party than the rule.

  • Eldritch@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldBig Bad Wolf Thought
    23 days ago

    They call themselves libertarian. But they aren’t. They don’t believe in public ownership of natural resources. A core precept of Libertarianism. Or many of the other things actual libertarians do. Also the NAP isn’t a libertarian thing itself. The man who coined and defined the term PARTICIPATED IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. The NAP is a thought short circuiting exercise designed by Rothbard 100 years after the establishment of Libertarianism. To discourage and alienate actual libertarians from the group.

    Those that often call themselves libertarian babble about the invisible hand of the market. As well as fetishizing Adam Smith and his ideology. Economic liberalism. Because they are liberals. In the actual political definition of the term. Not the modern colloquial misuse of the term.

  • It’s a well-defined term. But it’s one not really discussed much or talked about in america. And largely used in propaganda when it is used. Which is only aided by people not understanding and knowing the definition.

    Liberal is basically a shortening of economic liberal. Think founding fathers, Adam smith, invisible hand circle jerk off the economy. Free markets yada yada yada. Basically that is what liberal means in the rest of the world. And still means in the United States even though it’s misused heavily. You might also comment to yourself that that sounds an awful lot like people who call themselves libertarian. Which is because they are not libertarian they are economic liberals. They’re just masquerading.

    In the early 20th century, the glaring problems with economic liberalism we’re becoming impossible to ignore. Robber barons exploiting labor en mass and running roughshod over government. It was pretty blatantly apparent to most people what economic liberalism always was. It wasn’t about free markets for everyone. You can ask Black Wall Street about that. And it wasn’t about creating free societies for everyone. You can ask Black Wall Street about that. It was clear that they needed to abandon the hands off social policy of economic liberalism and apply pressure socially to achieve better outcomes. Which the market abhorred. And post world war II the violent oppressive Leninist/Stalinist/Maoist revolutions combined with fascistic rhetoric convinced them that capitalism was still the only answer. But hands on capitalism.

    Enter neoliberals. Republicans and Democrats both are neo-liberals. Their current stances decided by who passed the civil rights act. Democrats solidified themselves as the party of limited social assistance. Republicans taking the opposite stance socially. No longer just socially “neutral” in pursuit of free markets and non wasps to exploit. They became punitive and actively socially oppressive.

    And no Democrats are in no way socialist. Work requirements are antisocialist. Little poison pills that Democrats and Republicans both have worked into every single social assistance program ever implemented in the United States. As a mechanism to keep control and power over labor. Leaving them distinctly vulnerable and easily exploitable as father for the factories and businesses of wealthy capitalists. If an unemployed person had social protections and guarantees. Capitalists have no leverage over them. They could be discerning about what jobs they worked and what jobs they didn’t. Without having the fear of starvation and death hung over them. And that doesn’t work for capitalists.

  • Most often I’ve seen instances use as super communities. Largely revolving around a bigger topic. KDE runs their own with their own subcommunities for instance. They are far from the only ones. Just the one I use the most and a came to mind first. Having your own instance slap server allows you far more control over your communities then just hosting on someone else’s server. But from an end user perspective very largely transparent. not even being noticeable oftentimes.