I…what? I’ve never seen this happen, and a lot of recent events have me questioning my ability to tell waking from dreaming…
I…what? I’ve never seen this happen, and a lot of recent events have me questioning my ability to tell waking from dreaming…
Wait when did couchboy become a dog eater, are we just reversing their comments as projection?
And then RFK found the dog on the side of the road and ate it.
New pandemic just shipped!
I listened to an old radio show where an episode had this line in it. Might’ve been X-1.
Anyway yeah earth is space Vegas that’s why it’s chaotic here.
The ‘that’s what’s going to happen’ connects the two thoughts.
I full agree that a huge amount of the time folks simply can’t see past their feelings for someone and see through that filter, but I’m not seeing the distortion this time.
Well it used to be the cat, before her show in Ohio.
They each get one bucket and a single sandwich. Use it wisely.
This needs an update then
Sinclair group to be honest. It’s that their talking points are in ‘local’ news across the country and even CNN so all our news media is shifting to what fox used to be.
My lazy eye is acting up a lot more after that, I think I’m losing intelligence.
Looks like ‘The Orange Ladies’ to me. The women that ran the attendance office in my high school.
If his movement fails, reach out to me and we’ll collaborate on a parody of the whole poem.
She dropped everything likely because of threats. Look at how they treat witnesses, judges, jurors, and all the families.
Look, I know I have nice warm cushion-like fat, but I’m not a couch.
Nope, Georgia is a one party consent state and technically the donut shop is public access so it’s legal, but still a complete dick move
There’s a wealth gate on that, isn’t it like $25,000 just to apply?
Nah, didn’t want his highly carcinogenic stock to get tainted.
I’m proud of you for being able to recognize and acknowledge you were wrong. Growth can be painful but always worthwhile.