I’m sure the full phrase it references is “going down in a blaze of glory”, and is just Elon’s edgy nod that he is catastrophically destroying the platform, but just enough deniability In case it all works out and is a success.
I’m sure the full phrase it references is “going down in a blaze of glory”, and is just Elon’s edgy nod that he is catastrophically destroying the platform, but just enough deniability In case it all works out and is a success.
Shows that explore the implausible run the risk of getting lost and becoming incoherent. Fringe definitely got into that problem, but managed to pull it together into an emotionally satisfying conclusion - while not all elements really made sense, it felt right.
I think mozilla succinctly explained the flaw in the proposal. Introducing technology to make the lives of the majority better is great, but if the necessary side-effect is to permanently exclude a minority of people from the internet, then that isn’t cool.
I’m a big fan of publii - nice to use, simple, no server-side stuff, so free web hosting should cover all you need.
I thought every gold was bought, with points, which were bought with money. So if you see a gilded post, someone paid for that - maybe not the person who awarded it directly if they were gifted points, or received points as part of an award (which cost more points to cover that).
So basically all those awards were a good indicator of how much was being spent on Reddit and in which forums that financial engagement was being valued.
So if some ‘popular’ forums suddenly stop being gilded, then it is a good indicator that the forum has now been abandoned by the most commercially valuable participants. Which looks bad when selling the site.
So Reddit took its ball back, so noone can tell where the money is but them.
You’re technically right, which is the best kind of right. It’s a destructive CEO story who just happens to run a tech company (into the ground)
This is like the Spanish guy kissing the winning footballer woman on the lips against her will. It’s going to be reported under sports, but really it’s a sexism story that just happens to be in sports.
But at least it is being reported and commented on, no?