Well holding signs and doing nothing didn’t work?
Well holding signs and doing nothing didn’t work?
Yeah amigo, I get that’d be amazing but you think the government would want highly educated populace here and everywhere? and with free access to all kinds of information?
Yeah right…
Yeah that’s the reason shirts here in Europe at Decathlon and such are €3
The secret ingredient is slavery
Oh great Reddit 2.0
No amigo, it’s not fair if you’re profiting from it in the long run.
Old twats in position of power, times change faster now, there need to be term limits and a banning of stock trading for these positions.
And for the love of God abolish qualified immunity.
Yeah in a few days I’m going to delete my Reddit account, liking this place so far, you get news and genuine discussion.
Good, tolerance is a social contract, you endorse it and fall under its protection.
Otherwise, you can fuck off.
Remember when this guy went nuts and started screaming at a primatologist expert telling her she was wrong? this is the kind of idiot he is he think he’s right and for some reason that did stick and made him famous and he got surrounded by more idiots talking about shit they don’t understand…