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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • They’ve been doing that for about the last 6 releases. I wish they’d fix some of the long-standing annoying bugs like the fact that you can’t respect .gitignore and search in a subdirectory at the same time. Or the fact that you can’t stage a submodule unless you also have that submodule open.

    Or how about a less annoying way to configure Run/Debug than launch.json?

    Still, can’t complain. It’s mostly free and still very good overall. I’ll definitely be watching Zed… but maybe not too closely until it supports opening large files.

  • I haven’t actually used this site (found it after I already learnt Git), but it gets posted a lot, and one issue I feel like it has is it shows you the Git graph using a tool that you have to immediately throw away after you’ve finished this tutorial.

    I think it would be better if it had an actual real Git tool shown. I would say VSCode’s Git Graph extension would be ideal but unfortunately it has a stupid license.

  • It is slightly surprising no? I can’t see any real reason for it to record this information.

    That said, your rough timezone is probably going to leak just from the fact that people generally don’t make commits in the middle of the night. If you want HN paranoia levels of anonymity you need to schedule your commits to be automatically pushed at exactly midnight UTC every day.

  • There are use cases like monorepos where vdm won’t work.

    Erm yeah because the whole point of monorepos is that you don’t use submodules. What?

    Git does track submodule history unlike vdm.

    The history of submodules is tracked in the submodule repo. VDM doesn’t change that.

    It uses them.

    It doesn’t use them any differently to if you had just checked out the submodule standalone. I’m not exactly sure what VDM does (haven’t used it) but that doesn’t seem like a big thing.

    This is not how git submodules or subtrees work.

    No?. Actually that’s not all you need to manage for git submodules - there’s additional hidden state so you can’t just edit that file; you need to use git add/rm. Which is fundamentally the same but worse - this is one of the selling points of the alternatives like VDM. It’s way less confusing.

    Git submodules and subtrees don’t support anything other than git remotes.

    So? Alternatives to git submodules don’t need to restrict themselves to its features.

  • Git is all about tracking changes over time which is meaningless with binary files.

    Utter codswallop. You can see the changes to a PNG over time. Lots of different UIs will even show you diffs for images.

    Git can track changes to binary files perfectly well. It might not be great at dealing with conflicts in them but that’s another matter.

    The only issue is that binary files tend to be large, and often don’t compress very well with Git’s delta compression. It’s large files that are the issue, not binary files. If you have a 20 kB binary file it’s going to be absolutely fine in Git. Likewise a 10 GB CSV file is not going to be such a good idea.