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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s probably impossible to get a perfect diff in every case, but that’s irrelevant in the same way that the halting problem is true yet formal verification still exists. We don’t need perfect, we need “good most of the time”.

    For example the “slider” problem has existed in Git forever, and apparently there are algorithms that mostly solve it (indent-new), yet Git still doesn’t use them. That repo is 9 years old. I can’t remember what led me to that but I think it was one of the new VCS’s saying they do well on that benchmark (can’t find any reference to it now though).

    Pijul should also give better diffs in theory because it actually tracks lines as objects, so it has more information to work with. In the first example in diff-slider-tools it would know the difference between /* and /*. I haven’t actually tried it though.

    There are also a few semantic diffing tools that understand syntax that could be integrated - notably Difftastic and Diffsitter.

    Point is, it could easily be better than it is.

  • You can do it in launch.json. In fairness it easily the weakest part of VSCode - I wouldn’t call editing JSON “comfortable”. I tend to just use the integrated terminal instead.

    I think the bigger argument for Pycharm is refactoring. VSCode still has fairly weak support for refactoring, whereas in IntelliJ you can move classes and methods around, extract functions etc and it all works quickly and reliably (in Java at least; I dunno about Pycharm - Python is trash so it might not be possible to do refactoring reliably).

  • IMO if you’re doing something that complex you shouldn’t be using sed, but yeah you can probably do this something like:

    while read REGEX; do
      sed "$REGEX" << EOF
    your test string
    done <list_of_regexes.txt

    I strongly recommend you don’t do that though. It will be absolutely full of quoting bugs. Instead write a script in a proper language to do it. I recommend Deno, or maybe even Rust.

    If you use Rust you can also use RegexSet which will be much faster (if you just want to find matches anyway). Here’s what ChatGPT made me. Not tested but it looks vaguely right.

    use regex::RegexSet;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::{self, BufRead};
    use std::path::Path;
    fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        // Define the fixed input string
        let input_string = "This is a test string for regex matching.";
        // Path to the file containing the regexes
        let regex_file_path = "regexes.txt";
        // Read regexes from the file
        let regexes = read_lines(regex_file_path)?
            .filter_map(Result::ok) // Filter out errors
        // Create a RegexSet from the regexes
        let regex_set = RegexSet::new(&regexes)?;
        // Find the regexes that match the input string
        let matches: Vec<_> = regex_set.matches(input_string).into_iter().collect();
        // Print the matches
        if matches.is_empty() {
            println!("No regexes matched the input string.");
        } else {
            println!("Regexes that matched the input string:");
            for index in matches {
                println!(" - {}", regexes[index]);
    // Helper function to read lines from a file
    fn read_lines<P>(filename: P) -> io::Result<io::Lines<io::BufReader<File>>>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        let file = File::open(filename)?;

  • They’ve been doing that for about the last 6 releases. I wish they’d fix some of the long-standing annoying bugs like the fact that you can’t respect .gitignore and search in a subdirectory at the same time. Or the fact that you can’t stage a submodule unless you also have that submodule open.

    Or how about a less annoying way to configure Run/Debug than launch.json?

    Still, can’t complain. It’s mostly free and still very good overall. I’ll definitely be watching Zed… but maybe not too closely until it supports opening large files.

  • I haven’t actually used this site (found it after I already learnt Git), but it gets posted a lot, and one issue I feel like it has is it shows you the Git graph using a tool that you have to immediately throw away after you’ve finished this tutorial.

    I think it would be better if it had an actual real Git tool shown. I would say VSCode’s Git Graph extension would be ideal but unfortunately it has a stupid license.

  • It is slightly surprising no? I can’t see any real reason for it to record this information.

    That said, your rough timezone is probably going to leak just from the fact that people generally don’t make commits in the middle of the night. If you want HN paranoia levels of anonymity you need to schedule your commits to be automatically pushed at exactly midnight UTC every day.