Rayner is not popular with Londoners right now. She might think about saying no.
Something tells me she won’t though.
Lucky for her, a distraction just came up.
Rayner is not popular with Londoners right now. She might think about saying no.
Something tells me she won’t though.
Lucky for her, a distraction just came up.
And the whole “still recovering from WWII therefore nothing is available” thing.
Clearly Crooked Joe Biden’s fault.
iPhones use m4a these days for their native music app.
I would not even be confident that the disc would be readable in 50 years’ time except by certain archivists or hobbyists.
There are so many hours of music people wrote on Amigas or Atari STs that are just floating around out there on floppy discs that are still readable, but only by a very small number of people, so they will never be heard again, and it’s been only 30 years.
Another example- right now I have family movies my parents took back in the 60s on Super-8 films. Super-8 isn’t exactly impossible to play, but why would I get a Super-8 projector and a screen just to watch those even though they’re watchable? That would be both cost- and space-prohibitive. Thankfully, I had them digitized a long time ago.
I have known multiple rich South Asian people who insist that they are white and get very confused and upset if they encounter bigotry based on people thinking they aren’t white. It’s very odd.
I mean whatever, you want to declare yourself white, go for it. Just don’t be surprised when racists tell you that you aren’t.
His first wife figured it out pretty fucking quickly. A lot more than 10 years ago.
Obviously, she’s not a white person, and we’ve been accused, attacked by some white supremacists over that. But I just, I love Usha. She’s such a good mom. She’s such a brilliant lawyer and I am so proud of her.
Yes. A rude joke.
I guess in Western Europe it’s largely focused around anti-immigration and anti-EU sentiments
That’s part of what’s so ridiculous though. Europe is basically a long history of wave after wave of immigration. So the “again” is when, the point when the Neanderthals colonized it?
Many people responded with helpful advice. You decided to add rudeness to that. Why?
Much like America, I have to ask when the “before” was that they want to make great again. Because it always seems like the “before” in the case of MAGA people was “before slaves were emancipated and women were given rights.”
So I’m guessing 13th century or so here?
My grandparents slept in separate beds in the same bedroom their entire marriage. Like a 1950s sitcom.
That said, that grandmother never knitted anything as far as I know.
Sadly, the 70% tariff on Funyuns remains in place.
“Trump got grabbed by demons and pulled straight through a portal down to hell as Satan laughed at the prospect of his eternal torture for his sins.”
Yes, but it’s something he and Harry’s late racist grandmother would agree on. So there’s that.
That’s just a theory.
You need to take a look at what people are coming up with in the Journal of Alternate Casper Science.
To be honest, “assholes” fits in either case.
I don’t actually mind their music, I just like shitting on Oasis because the Gallaghers are assholes.
I always like to point out that Mr. “We Must Colonize Mars” is too chickenshit to get on one of his own rockets. Even motherfucking Bezos had enough balls to do that.