Gargle + blaster = Gargleblaster

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • During the Iraq War, Kurt Vonnegut was asked about the anti-war protests… His response was that, during Vietnam, he was part of anti-war protests firing on all cylinders and laser-focused and going to stop that war. He said it was ultimately about as effective as climbing to the top of a ladder and tossing a pie on the ground. This time will be no different.

    So I don’t know what you’re hoping to gain. The ‘Ima take my ball and go home’ approach didn’t work out so well in 2016. Threatening not to vote isn’t going to phase anyone in a country where more than half the population doesn’t vote anyway. Maybe instead of threats you should work with other people trying to help the people you want elected get elected.

  • Go to an employment agency/temp agency.

    There’s paperwork and possibly tests before you can actually get work. Do all of that now so that you don’t have to wait while they process the paperwork if you get furloughed. Be sure to explain that you’re expecting to get furloughed.

    With the holidays approaching, retail stores may need extra staff. Not yet, but post-thanksgiving.

    I’ve never done it, but there’s the payment for taking surveys online.

    I agree with others that the car is a major money sink. Can it sit in the driveway and wait for you to get through this?

    Paying a friend to drive to work together probably costs less than gas + insurance + repairs.

  • My dude, you are extremely passionate about this topic. Also, as a mod, you are content arbiter of your sub. Chasing people onto other subs and then claiming they’re harassing you is where this fails. It works conversely as well. Many a sub has been started by disgruntled members who left another sub.

    Getting someone in trouble for lying on a social media app is going to be harder than you think. News sources get approached by all kinds of people claiming to have news. That avenue is not going to work.

    I am not a lawyer, but you should seek out a lawyer to determine if you have a legal leg to stand on here. Does this guy have a lot of money? If so, he may come after you if he has a legal leg to stand on.

    My real advice is to protect your sub. Stop there. I couldn’t stop neo-Nazis from spreading lies on reddit, and you’re not going to be able to control some air purifier salesman. Just keep them away from your sub, and let it go.

    By the way, this magazine you’re posting on is full of a bunch of people who have left reddit. Coming here to complain about things happening to you on reddit is not going to get you a lot of sympathy.