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Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I think it’s wrong to assume that man=financial duties and woman=domestic duties. That worked in the 50s because of rampant sexism, but that train of thought is long-since outdated. I get that power dynamic is ingrained into straight culture, but especially in the scenario you’re talking about only serves to make the woman inferior to the man by making her clean for him even when they are both working. I always thought it was weird that men wouldn’t learn to cook, if you really loved the ither person wouldn’t you take the time to learn to cook at least a couple dishes to help out?

    The two of you need to have a conversation about how your relationship will work. Talk about how the finances will be handled and how the chores will be handled. What works for tv couples may not work for y’all.

  • That’s interesting, I didn’t realize that a photograph counted as part of the directory information. I figured that was why photos are included in the list of items on the parent consent forms sent out every year.

    It was my understanding (from admin, teacher professional orgs, and teacher unions) that pictures on websites and social media need consent to be posted. So we were told that any student without a consent form had to be edited out or blurred on any picture posted anywhere.

  • I agree mostly with your comment. Math class used to be called logic, because that’s really what the general population is there for. Math is a vehicle to learn logical thinking. Those who become engineers or physicists will then learn how to apply those logic skills in their chosen field.

    I disagree that history classes were mainly there to analyze evidence to make a point. We learn history, so that we can better participate in discussions, know where we came from, and learn from past mistakes. It’s vital that voters have an understanding of history to prevent bad things from happening. Don’t get me wrong, the main point about history classes wasn’t learning exact dates, but to have a good understanding of the timeline and have a good grasp of major events in the country/world. It’s that part, learning details about major events that I’m concerned will be glossed over with AI coming into play. How can you recognize a destructive political trend if you never learned why it was destructive in the past?

  • I saw an article on lemmy about this yesterday, though not sure whether I’ll find it again.

    Hotels, flights, retailers already have an abundance of price discrimination. Target shows higher prices when your device is physically closer to a store and lower prices when you are further away. IPhone users tend to pay higher prices because they assume that since you had the extra money to pay for an expensive phone, you’ll be open to spending more at other stores.

    Likewise, if they see your device or other devices on your network/near you making several searches for hotels/flights the price will increase.

    It’s just another way to build greed into the system

  • The right has always been very organized. The church helps keep then organized. Fox News keeps them organized as they are all fed the same crap. Politically, the Tea Party helped organize the neonazis and neoconfederates, giving them a louder voice and recruited more of the like. Then the Tea Party rejoined the Republican party shoving it much further to the right. Around that time, they also figured out social media, which gave them an even louder voice.

    When Obama was in office, the news wasn’t as focused on them, so people that were living in Blue states weren’t as aware. In the south, it was still a battlefield as you lived next to people with these beliefs.

    It’s their level of organization that has made the Republicans such a force to deal with. Before social media, the fringe groups stayed on the fringe of society and weren’t given a voice through various forms of media. Since social media, they have a much stronger voice and we have discovered how easy it is for people to be manipulated, like with the Jade Helm scare in TX. If you don’t remember this, there was a social media scare going around that Obama was going to take over TX and imprison those who didn’t vote for him. The posts claimed that there were a bunch of Walmarts that had been emptied and were going to be used as makeshift prisons. The posts also claimed that Obama was hiding his plan from the public by claiming it was a training exercise named Jade Helm. So effective was the scare, that Greg Abbot (who still remains governor of TX) ordered the TX National Guard to watch the US army perform its training to prevent the army from arresting civilians. In reality, the US army was just performing practice exercises around Fort Hood, which is a little north of Austin. Years later, it was revealed that the scare was the work of a Russian troll farm experimenting with social media to see how disruptive they could be.